All English
Good afternoon Ladies, now the #LOH Contest has entered its 134th week, and I would like to answer questions from this contest as well as share my thoughts from the answers I will write. The first question is;
Some individuals are excellent planners when it comes to money matters. Others are not. If you are financially secure, how and when did you become so? If not, how do you plan to become secure in your finances?
In general, I have not been financially secure independently. That is, my parents still pay for my life such as the cost of renting a house and eating. Not that I didn't produce anything. I also have a plan to be financially secure in the future. I invest mainly in crypto and gold. While I was still working, I set aside part of my salary to buy cryptocurrencies and precious metals as a store of value.
After I resigned from my place of work, I opened a clothing store. I think having my own business is very important in my life. The first reason is that I am a woman. Maybe you are wondering, what is the relationship between business and gender? Well, when I was still working, there was still an imbalance in wages between genders. It's hard to believe, but I've experienced it. With inequality in the salary distribution system, I realize that gender equality in the world of work has not been properly implied.
And the second reason, I have flexible working time. When I was still working as an office worker in someone else's company, I had to comply with the working hours set by the company. However, after starting my own business, I became my boss. Something like this is ideal for me. I can have a lot of freedom and manage time for myself. And for sure, for every profit I get from my business, I will put it in my portfolio as my future assets, namely crypto and precious metals.
The second question is;
A passion is a value that one holds dear. What are you passionate about in life? If you haven't yet discovered a passion, what would you like to be passionate about?
I haven't found any interest yet. There are many things that I love in my life. And what I like the most is enjoying delicious food. I think everyone also loves delicious food. But, just as I finished enjoying the delicious meal, an image just passed from my mind. The imagination that crossed was a group of hungry people who needed food. That got me thinking. I can buy delicious food easily, but on the other hand, some people have to work hard to eat and survive. Regardless of whether it's fair or not, that's how the world works. So sometimes I put money aside to buy food and distribute it to people who I think need food.
That's all I can say in this 134th Ladies Of Hive contest. I hope you guys like it. Greetings and blessings.
All Spanish
Buenas tardes Señoras, ahora el Concurso #LOH ha entrado en su semana 134, y me gustaría responder a las preguntas de este concurso, así como compartir mis pensamientos de las respuestas que voy a escribir. La primera pregunta es;
*Algunos individuos son excelentes planificadores cuando se trata de asuntos de dinero. Otras no. Si usted tiene seguridad financiera, ¿cómo y cuándo la adquirió? Si no es así, ¿cómo piensa conseguirlo?
En general, no he tenido seguridad económica de forma independiente. Es decir, mis padres siguen pagando por mi vida, como el coste de alquilar una casa y comer. No es que no haya producido nada. También tengo un plan para ser financieramente seguro en el futuro. Invierto principalmente en criptomonedas y oro. Mientras aún trabajaba, reservaba parte de mi sueldo para comprar criptomonedas y metales preciosos como reserva de valor.
Cuando dejé de trabajar, abrí una tienda de ropa. Creo que tener mi propio negocio es muy importante en mi vida. La primera razón es que soy mujer. Quizá te preguntes: ¿qué relación hay entre los negocios y el género? Bueno, cuando yo aún trabajaba, todavía había un desequilibrio salarial entre géneros. Es difícil de creer, pero lo he vivido. Con la desigualdad en el sistema de distribución de salarios, me doy cuenta de que la igualdad de género en el mundo laboral no se ha implicado adecuadamente.
Y la segunda razón, tengo un horario de trabajo flexible. Cuando aún trabajaba como oficinista en una empresa ajena, tenía que cumplir el horario laboral establecido por la empresa. Sin embargo, después de montar mi propio negocio, me convertí en mi jefe. Algo así es ideal para mí. Puedo tener mucha libertad y administrar el tiempo por mí mismo. Y seguro que cada beneficio que obtenga de mi negocio, lo pondré en mi cartera como mis futuros activos, es decir, cripto y metales preciosos.
La segunda pregunta es;
Una pasión es un valor que uno aprecia. ¿Qué te apasiona en la vida? Si aún no has descubierto una pasión, ¿qué te gustaría que te apasionara?*.
Aún no he encontrado ningún interés. Hay muchas cosas que me gustan en mi vida. Y lo que más me gusta es disfrutar de comida deliciosa. Creo que a todo el mundo le gusta también la comida deliciosa. Pero, justo cuando terminé de disfrutar de la deliciosa comida, una imagen se me pasó por la cabeza. La imaginación que cruzó fue la de un grupo de personas hambrientas que necesitaban comida. Eso me hizo pensar. Yo puedo comprar comida deliciosa fácilmente, pero por otro lado, algunas personas tienen que trabajar duro para comer y sobrevivir. Independientemente de si es justo o no, así funciona el mundo. Así que a veces guardo dinero para comprar comida y distribuirlo entre la gente que creo que necesita alimentos.
Eso es todo lo que puedo decir en este 134º concurso de Ladies Of Hive. Espero que os guste. Saludos y bendiciones.
Hello @luna1999. I can understand about not having financial security. It's a task to work toward. You indicate that you have crypto and gold. That is a good start. Owning a business does allow one a certain amount of freedom from rigid work restrictions. However, it may require more work as the owner is the responsible party to ensure that all goes well and oversees all components of the business. That may result in longer hours.
Also, you mention, which I applaud, that you buy food for the needy. How does the food get distributed, and how do you decide who receives the donation? It's a wonderful gesture.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on both topics.
Take care.
hi, thanks for your comment. Indeed I have to make sure everything goes well and supervise all components of the business. But at least it will be flexible.
To provide food, I buy some food and distribute it to people who are old, but are forced to work to be able to eat. I often find people on the side of the road like that. They should sit back and enjoy their old age, but they have to work very hard on the streets. I'm concerned about that.
Being one's boss is amazing and... Gender pays? Do they still do that? That Is sad.
In my country, there is still a clear gender gap in paying salaries.
It's good that your parents still help you with the expenses, I hope one day your own business will allow you to have financial security. Blessings
Amen, thank you for your comments sis
thank you very much