[ESP/ ENG] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #10 - And...if I was a child for a day? What if I was a genie with magical powers?

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago (edited)


Super pleased to participate in this tenth contest of the community ladies Hive. It is very gratifying for me to get to know myself and so many wonderful women who manifest themselves through this window, which invites us to be authentic, supportive, friendly and above all creative. May our goal be the top. A big kiss to all of you.

Super complacida de participar en este décimo concurso de la comunidad damas Hive. Es muy gratificante para mi darme a conocer y conocer a tanta mujer maravillosa que se manifiesta a través de esta ventana, que nos invita a ser autenticas, solidarias, amistosas y sobre todo creativas. Que nuestra meta sea la cima. Un beso enorme a todas.

My answers to the contest questions | Mi repuestas a las preguntas del concurso.

1.- If you could be 7-years-old again for a day, what would you do?



If I could be 7 years old again for one day, I would enjoy my cousin's wedding day again, I was one of the pages in the bride's cortege. I clearly remember my yellow dress, of an extremely fine and delicate fabric, was the first time I wore a long dress.

I was overcome with deep emotion, I was amazed and I felt as admired as the bride. That night is unforgettable for me, I enjoyed a world.

It was a real fairy tale, with the whole family together. Everyone was dressed elegantly and my maternal grandmother, who is no longer with us, looked so happy... and she said in my ear - you are my little princess and soon you will become a woman as or more beautiful than your cousin and I am sure you will have a life full of such magical moments as today. My grandmother was not wrong.

Si pudieras volver a tener 7 años por un día. ¿Qué harías?
Si pudiera volver a tener 7 años por un día, volvería a disfrutar del día de la boda de mi prima, fui una de las pajesitas del cortejo de la novia. Recuerdo claramente mi vestido color amarillo, de una tela sumamente fina y delicada, fue la primara vez que use vestido largo.

Me embargaba una profunda emoción, andaba alucinada y me sentí tan admirada como la novia. Esa noche es inolvidable para mí, disfruté un mundo.

Fue un verdadero cuento de hadas, con toda la familia reunida. Todos vestían elegantemente y mi abuela materna, que ya no esta con nosotros, lucia tan feliz... y me dijo al oído -eres mi princesita y pronto te convertirás en una mujer tan o más hermosa que tu prima y estoy segura que tendrás una vida plena de momentos tan mágicos como el de hoy-. Mi abuela no se equivocó.

2.- If you were a genie with magical powers, what would you do and for whom?


I grew up watching the TV series "My Beautiful Genius" so I really enjoyed making the photo montage that accompanies my answer. HAHAHA....

This question is really quite serious for me, especially for a woman and even more so if you live in Venezuela as I do.

With my magic powers I would make politicians wise people, with high moral values about choosing truth over empty and deceitful promises. And that the rulers would guarantee the rights and duties of the citizens without distinction of their social condition, race, creed or sex.

With my magic powers I would restore the perfect functioning of water, electricity, gas, gasoline, telephone and internet services. Wowooo all of us who live in Venezuela would appreciate it.

I would give all the women in the world incredible speed in carrying out the week's shopping as if they had a smartphone in their hands. They could sort and clean up everything in seconds.

As for me, I would use my magical powers to fly at speeds much faster than light, so I could vaccinate all of humanity against any present or future pandemic like Covid-19 and I would visit all the people I love, to give them a kiss, a hug and tell them I love them.

Finally, I would give part of my magical powers to the Hive Ladies community, so they can continue to harvest many more spaces within the Hive social network.

Si fueras un genio con poderes mágicos, ¿qué harías y para quién?

Crecí viendo la serie de televisión "Mi Bella Genio" por eso disfrute mucho haciendo el montaje de la foto que acompaño a mi respuesta. JAJAJA....

Realmente para mi esta pregunta es bastante sería, especialmente para una mujer y más aun si vives en Venezuela como es mi caso.

Con mis poderes mágicos haría de los políticos personas sabias, con altos valores morales sobre la elección de la verdad por encima de promesas vacías y engañosas. Y que los gobernantes garantizaran los derechos y deberes de los ciudadanos sin distinción de su condición social, raza, credo o sexo.

Con mis poderes mágicos restablecería el perfecto funcionamiento de los servicios de agua, electricidad, gas, gasolina, teléfono e internet. Guaooo todo los que vivimos en Venezuela lo apreciaríamos.

Dotaría a todas las mujeres del mundo de una velocidad increíble llevando las compras de la semana como si llevaran un smartphone en las manos. Podrían ordenar y limpiar todo en segundos.

En cuanto a mí, utilizaría mis poderes mágicos para volar a velocidades mucho más rápidas que la luz, así podría vacunar a toda la humanidad contra cualquier pandemia presente como la del Covid-19 o futura y visitaría a todas las personas que amo, para darles un beso, un abrazo y decirles que los amo.

Finalmente le cedería parte de mis poderes mágicos a la comunidad damas Hive, para que continúen cosechando muchos mas espacios dentro de la red social Hive.


By @machiqui63


Bitmoji-My personal emoji

Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting me!

¡Disfruta tu día y gracias por visitarme!


This in an entry for: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #10

I invite: @karinanunez @ginalucia @evelynda



You have quite the list of things to fix in Venezuela, you may just as well fix my country and every country while you're at it in the speed of light.
Thank you for sharing @machiqui63 👍

Posted using Dapplr

Thank you for your reading and commentary. Greetings

Hehehe... after you're done with your country, the other countries as well!

Good luck with the contest!

Thank you for your good wishes.Greetings

Me encantó la portada, te ves bella. Besos


You would be a wonderful genie! And thanks for including a wish for the Ladies of Hive Community in your list of magical wishes!

Thank you for your appreciation. The Ladies Hive Community is the best. 😘

I loved reading your entry to the contest, and thought everything you said was beautiful! Kudos for a great job, and including the assistance you would give to the community! 😊 I really liked the image you created, too! It is fabulous! 😁

Thank you, I enjoyed working on my participation. A big kiss.😘

I love that you made the image of genie



Next contest with again two questions will be up today , good luck blogging and winning