Después de tanto tiempo de tener mi cabello descuidado por fin pude dedicarle tiempo a mi cabello y darme ese gusto de cambio de look. Al principio había conseguido un tinte de color morado y pude decolorarme el cabello con ayuda de mi madre ya que ella es peluquera, pero resulta que mi cabello creció tanto que tuve que usar todas las aguas oxigenadas que tenía y no me quedaron ninguna para aplicar el tinte así que me toco improvisar.
After so long of having my hair neglected, I was finally able to dedicate time to my hair and give myself that taste of change of look. At first I had gotten a purple dye and I was able to bleach my hair with the help of my mother since she is a hairdresser, but it turns out that my hair grew so much that I had to use all the hydrogen peroxide I had and I had none left to apply the dye so I had to improvise.
Recordé mis viejas andanzas de universitaria y me puse a buscar entre mis cosas y conseguí papel crepe!! Pues si, como lo leen. El papel crepe me salvo esta vez como en muchas otras. Después de medio matizarme el cabello me dispuse a prepárame para pintar mi cabello.
I remembered my old college adventures and I started looking through my things and I got crepe paper!! Yes, how do you read it? The crepe paper saved me this time as in many others. After half toning my hair I got ready to prepare to paint my hair.
Primero, coloqué diferentes colores de papel crepé en ollas con poca cantidad de agua para después ponerlos a hervir (por separado los colores claro está) después los deje toda una noche en esa agua. Al día siguiente volví a hervir el agua y cuando estaba tibia me la fui colocando en diferentes partes de mi cabello el cual dividí en varias partes (ojo, no sé nada de eso si de planchar cabello así que fue un poco complicado. Sé pintar cabello con tintes pero cuando es con papel crepé, es algo desastroso).
First, I placed different colors of crepe paper in pots with a small amount of water and then boiled them (light colors separately) then left them overnight in that water. The next day I boiled the water again and when it was lukewarm I placed it in different parts of my hair, which I divided into several parts (note, I don't know anything about that if I iron hair, so it was a bit complicated. I know how to paint hair with dyes but when it is with crepe paper, it is something disastrous).
En fin, después de colocarme los colores en las diferentes partes del cabello, esperé que mi cabello se secara para así secarlo y plancharlo… y pues mi sorpresa fue grande al ver el resultado pues con el cabello mojado mi cabello no se veía bien. No era el resultado que esperaba pero sin duda lo amé.
Anyway, after applying the colors to the different parts of my hair, I waited for my hair to dry so I could dry it and straighten it… and I was very surprised when I saw the result because with wet hair my hair didn't look good. It was not the result I expected but I definitely loved it.
Ahora soy una chica con cabello de unicornio jejeje la idea de mantener el cabello con estos colores es lavarlo con champo sin sal y tratar de durar con el color lo más que se pueda.
Now I'm a girl with unicorn hair hehehe the idea of maintaining the hair with these colors is to wash it with shampoo without salt and try to last as long as possible with the color.
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I love your unicorn hair. The blend of colors makes it a beautiful rainbow.
I really find it difficult to take care of my hair too and have left it tied to a bonnet ever since this year began.
My hair is not straight like yours and tangles easily making it quite difficult to work with.
Have been having thoughts of cutting it today... Maybe a lowcut will be good since an lazy at haircut.
Me gustó el resultado final de tu cabello. Muy ingenioso usar papel crepé!
Wow! I was pretty surprised to see you using crepe paper to color your hair with, but the end result was fantastic. It does look like a unicorn! Amazing!