Mi participación en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #169[Esp-Eng]

in Ladies of Hive9 months ago


Hola mis queridas damas, tiempo sin saludarles, espero se encuentren espectacularmente bien. El Ladies of Hive Community Contest #169, trae una pregunta que responderé a continuación, espero les guste:

Las donaciones benéficas son una parte normal de mi presupuesto. No siempre se trata de donaciones en metálico, sino también de otros recursos, como tu tiempo y tu talento. Dime cuál es tu organización benéfica favorita y qué la hace especial para ti.

Durante muchos años me he considerado una persona muy alegre, extrovertida y una de mis herramientas más poderosas es hacer reír a la gente con mis ocurrencias y pasar un tiempo agradable.

En muchas oportunidades que hay había reunión con la familia y yo faltaba, buscaban la forma de buscarme para ser es chispa de alegría.


Ahora que mis dos hijos ya son adultos y tengo nietos, cuando salgo de casa a visitarlos les llego de sorpresa y de inmediato empieza la algarabía, con juegos risas y sobre todo si les llevo algo de lo que más les gusta comer como el pan dulce y cambures, que aunque muchos creerán que es algo insignificante, les digo que mis nietos se lo disfrutan tanto como siles llevara un costoso juguete.


Hace muchos años conseguí en el mercado una máscara de bruja, la compre, nadie en casa sabía que yo ya la tenía. Y un día estábamos en una reunión familiar y los asuste a todos, hasta los adultos salieron corriendo, fue un momento de risa y brinco que pasamos. Aun los miembros de mi familia lo recuerdan.

Al igual que los niños de mi calle que son tremendos. Les cuento que un día unos cinco jovencitos tenían varias noches que pasaban de eso de las 10pm con una pequeña corneta portátil con el sonido del llanto de la llorona. Los vecinos ya murmuraban al respecto que estaban escuchando a la llorona. Un día yo me quede despierta hasta las 10pm y cuando escuche el sonido del llanto de la llorona, vi que eran ellos con su pequeño radio, sorpresa para ellos que como debían pasar nuevamente por mi casa para regresar, me coloque la máscara de bruja y un vestido negro, cuando ellos regresaron con sus risas creyendo que estaban asustando a todos por la calle los sorprendí, y señoras, esos muchachos salieron corriendo que al otro día, eran ellos los asustados y no salieron más con su pequeño radio a molestar a la gente.

Muchas veces que veo algún hogar de la familia que está atravesando por alguna situación, trato de acompañarlos en su trance y despistarlos por un momento de aquello que les aqueja. Porque el dinero no lo hace todo en la vida, el afecto es la herramienta más poderosa que podemos tener, para aliviar la tristeza del corazón.


Bueno mis amigas, les deseo lo mejor en esta semana que apenas empieza, bendiciones para todas y gracias por leerme… Un abrazo

En Ingles


Hello my dear ladies, long time no greetings, hope you are doing spectacularly well. The Ladies of Hive Community Contest #169, brings a question that I will answer below, hope you like it:

Charitable donations are a normal part of my budget. It's not always cash donations, but also other resources, such as your time and talent. Tell me what your favorite charity is and what makes it special to you.

For many years I have considered myself a very cheerful, outgoing person and one of my most powerful tools is to make people laugh with my witticisms and have a good time.

On many occasions when there was a family gathering and I was absent, they would look for me to be the spark of joy.


Now that my two children are adults and I have grandchildren, when I leave the house to visit them, I arrive as a surprise and immediately the excitement begins, with games, laughter and especially if I bring them something that they like to eat like sweet bread and cambures, which although many believe that it is something insignificant, I tell them that my grandchildren enjoy it as much as if I brought them an expensive toy.


Many years ago I got a witch mask in the market, I bought it, nobody at home knew that I already had it. And one day we were at a family reunion and I scared them all, even the adults ran away, it was a moment of laughter and jumping that we spent. Even my family members remember it.

Just like the kids on my street who are tremendous. I tell them that one day some five young boys had several nights that passed around 10pm with a small portable horn with the sound of the cry of the weeping woman. The neighbors were already whispering that they were listening to the weeping woman. One day I stayed up until 10pm and when I heard the sound of the crying of the weeping woman, I saw that it was them with their little radio, surprise for them that as they had to pass by my house again to return, I put on my witch mask and a black dress, when they returned with their laughter thinking they were scaring everyone on the street I surprised them, and ladies, those guys ran away and the next day, they were the ones who were scared and did not go out with their little radio to bother people.


Many times when I see a family home that is going through some situation, I try to accompany them in their trance and distract them for a moment from what ails them. Because money does not do everything in life, affection is the most powerful tool we can have to alleviate the sadness of the heart.


Well my friends, I wish you the best in this week that is just beginning, blessings to all of you and thanks for reading me... A hug.


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You cracked me up MoMA, did you later tell the children that it was you? Having a way to make people forget their pains is very interesting as money can give everything. How I wish to see you on this attire some day.

Blessed year to you too

A good reminder that there are many unspoken Causes that don't have a lofty Mission Statement, nor government granted charity status, nor any celebrity representation nor even local news coverage. But just dwells in the heart of an individual to perform a beneficial service for his or her community.
Thank you @maryspaob


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