Hola, mis queridos amigos de Hive, hoy les vengo hablar de varias coincidencias y hechos compartidos entre mujeres en una relación con hombres (No sé si pasara en otro tipo de relación, los leo), y les invito a dejar sus comentarios, tambien me encantaría ver que opinan y si les pasas.
Hello, my dear friends of Hive, today I come to talk about several coincidences and facts shared between women in a relationship with men (I don't know if it will happen in any other kind of relationship, I read them), and I invite you to leave your comments, I would also love to see what you think and if you pass them.
Cuando nos casamos o decidimos vivir junto a nuestra pareja, las mujeres de la relación nos damos cuenta después de un tiempo que el hombre a veces no es el "Macho de la familia", y se convierten en ocasiones en niños y de repente estamos detrás de ellos regañándolos. Aquí les dejo algunas ocasiones y ocurrencias de hombres en una relación:
- Dejarlos cocinar a veces no es buena idea, porque hacen el doble de desastres y dicen luego la que le aplicaste "Quien cocina no friega ni recoge".

- Cuando más tienes que estudiar, trabajar, leer una información, más atención te piden, se ponen hasta intensos.
- Estar en casa en una reunión con la familia o llego visita, y a él se le ocurre jugar con tus nalgas, o darte una nalgada en el momento menos esperado, como si fuera un juego literal.
- Que pongan la ropa sucia DENTRO de la cesta es todo un reto, siempre terminaras viendo la ropa colgando de la cesta o en el piso y no importa cuantas veces le digas que la ropa va adentro.

- Nunca encuentran nada, te culpan de que no lo guardaste donde era, que no lo agarraste, dicen que ya lo buscaron, y cuando revisas o le dices que busque bien y con calma, ahí está, y luego no dicen nada o se ríen.
- La hora de dormir al bebe tambien se convierte en la hora de dormir al esposo, y de repente terminas con los dos encima de ti.
- A veces son super distraídos, tienes que decirle las cosas como a los niños, que te miren a los ojos, porque si no luego no lo recordaran.
When we get married or decide to live together with our partner, we women in the relationship realise after a while that the man is sometimes not the "Macho Man of the family", and they sometimes turn into children and suddenly we are after them scolding them. Here are some occasions and occurrences of men in a relationship:
- Letting them cook sometimes is not a good idea, because they make twice as many messes and then they say "He who cooks doesn't scrub or pick up".
- The more you have to study, work, read information, the more they ask for your attention, they get even more intense.
- Being at home in a meeting with the family or a visitor arrives, and he thinks of playing with your buttocks, or spanking you at the least expected moment, as if it were a literal game.
- Putting the laundry INSIDE the hamper is a challenge, you'll always end up seeing the clothes hanging out of the hamper or on the floor and no matter how many times you tell him that the clothes go inside.
- They never find anything, they blame you that you didn't put it away where it was, that you didn't get it, they say they already looked for it, and when you check or tell them to look hard and slow, there it is, and then they don't say anything or they laugh.
- The baby's bedtime also becomes the husband's bedtime, and suddenly you end up with both of them on top of you.

- Sometimes they're super distracted, you have to tell them things like children, make them look you in the eye, otherwise they won't remember it later.

Imágenes tomadas de la web, cada una con su fuente. / Images taken from the web, each with its source.
I hope you enjoyed my publication, THANK YOU FOR READING!
Oh yes, you have hit the proverbial nail on the head, lol! I remember early in my marriage, that my husband would misplace a tool while working on whatever. He'd kind of storm around and get huffy and puffy and I would have to stop what I was doing, in order to look for the tool that he misplaced! Somehow, it was my fault the tool went missing! It used to drive me crazy! Now when he does it (old habit die hard, hehehe) I just tell him to look harder as I have no idea where it is! I will usually help in the end, but will wait a bit as it's his misplacing it that caused the problem; I wasn't anywhere near! He's a sweetie, don't get me wrong, but they can be children as well! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day! !LADY
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For me, it's in a woman's nature to help, to be more caring and compassionate, that's what characterises us, that's why we see it as tender that in some way they need those qualities from us. The perfect balance, when there is harmony. And yes, in that sense they are like children. Thank you friend for telling me about your experience, very valuable comment.
You are very welcome! Take care!
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Thank you, delighted to publish in such a beautiful and powerful community.
I agree with the last statement. When we tell them something, it looks like they are listening but the truth is, most of the time, they're not paying attention and if they do, it is just for a short span. We cannot tell them rumors😂😂
hehehe that's why they are good at telling them gossip or secrets, they won't repeat the information. Thank you friend for your valuable comment.
Esas costumbres que tan graciosamente señalas en tu publicacion no se si son tipicas o no de los hombres, pero si es cierto que algunas de estas son exasperantes y hay que tener mucha paciencia. Sobre todo esta:
"Nunca encuentran nada, te culpan de que no lo guardaste donde estaba, de que no lo conseguiste, dicen que ya lo buscaron, y cuando revisas o les dices que busquen bien y despacio, ahí es, y luego no dicen nada o se ríen".
Saludos @maxjulisgf
No creo todos sean iguales, aunque está en nuestros genes comportarnos de cierta manera de acuerdo al sexo, lo cierto es que somos las mujeres, la de ser más tolerantes y pacientes jejeje. Gracias por siempre ver y comentar mis publicaciones.