[ESP-ENG] Ladies of Hive Contest #85 //Como enfrentar la crítica y no morir en el intento// How to face criticism and not die in the attempt//@merlui03

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Un saludo amigas de #hive comunidad #ladiesofhive, hoy realizo mi participación en este interesante concurso donde decidi comentarles como manejo las criticas de recibo. Si bien conocemos la criticia como la apreciación de la otra persona en relación a tus actos en tu entorno en tu rutina diaria.

Greetings friends of #hive community #ladiesofhive, today I am participating in this interesting contest where I decided to tell you how I handle the criticism I receive. While we know the criticism as the appreciation of the other person in relation to your actions in your environment in your daily routine.

Hay quienes realizan criticas constructivas que van desde el corazón y la sinceridad para hacerte ver tus fallas, y allí expresan las ganas de ayudarte a ser mejor.Pero también hay personas que realizan dichas criticas con la intención de dañar tu autoestima lesionar tu integridad ante tu entorno por puro placer de hacer daño o simplemente envidia de quien eres y lo que brillas en tu entorno.

There are those who make constructive criticisms that come from the heart and sincerity to make you see your faults, and there express the desire to help you be better, but there are also people who make such criticisms with the intention of damaging your self-esteem, injuring your integrity in your environment for the pure pleasure of hurting or simply envy of who you are and what you shine in your environment.



Aquí les muestro mi respuesta:

Here is my answer:

¿Cómo manejas las correcciones o críticas de otras personas?

How do you handle other people's corrections or criticisms?

Mientras la critica sea realizada con la intención de querer ayudarme a ser mejor persona la recibo con la mejor disposición, ya que siempre es bueno tener personas sinceras en nuestro entorno que sean capaces de ver nuestros defectos y tengan la valentía de hacérnoslos saber con el fin de ser mejores personas. Nunca me cierro a la critica, quizás dependiendo de mi estado de animo en un principio me pueda afectar; automáticamente me paso el suiche y pienso que es por mi bien y hago los ajustes necesarios para mejorar.

As long as the criticism is made with the intention of helping me to be a better person, I receive it with the best disposition, since it is always good to have sincere people in our environment who are able to see our defects and have the courage to let us know them in order to be better people. I never close myself to criticism, maybe depending on my mood at the beginning it can affect me; I automatically pass the suiche and think that it is for my own good and I make the necessary adjustments to improve.

Afortunadamente la experiencia me ha enseñado a detectar cuando una critica es sincera y cuando es para pretender hacerse daño. La vida me ha enseñado a diferenciar ambos aspectos uno del otro.

Fortunately, experience has taught me to detect when a criticism is sincere and when it is meant to be hurtful. Life has taught me to differentiate both aspects from each other.



Cuando la critica es con el fin de lesionar mi autoestima, automáticamente la detecto y simplemente la desecho de mi vida junto con la persona que me lo dijo, ya que no debemos tener en nuestras vidas personas que no resten, al contrario debemos cultivar y conservar personas que sumen cosas buenas a nuestra vida.

When the criticism is intended to damage my self-esteem, I automatically detect it and simply discard it from my life along with the person who told me, because we should not have in our lives people who do not subtract, on the contrary we must cultivate and keep people who add good things to our lives.

Como mensaje final les digo siempre debemos procurar sumar amor y buena vibra en nuestro entorno, nunca restar.

As a final message I say we should always try to add love and good vibes in our environment, never subtract.



Muchas gracias por haberme leído.

Thank you very much for reading me.

Invito a participar a @irene0411 y a @karianaporras.

I invite @irene0411 and @karianaporras to participate.

Este es el enlace para que participen.

This is the link to participate.



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Thanks for sharing
and good luck with the contest.Hi @merlui03

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Well said @merlui03 and welcome to Ladies of Hive.

it is always good to have sincere people in our environment who are able to see our defects and have the courage to let us know them in order to be better people.

I totally agree. We are fortunate and blessed if we have such people around us because we grow and learn. And it's great that you know how to differentiate those with the good intentions and those who don't. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts :)

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@merlui03, @ifarmgirl