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RE: The Bags in Me! - (Ladies of Hive #58)

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Huh, it seems we have something in common... I am the only girl in a family of 5 brothers, I am in the middle or the 4th. Mom wanted a girl after giving birth to 3 sons, then they decided to have a girl ...then I came as fourth, but then, they tried to have a girl once more but did not succeed until two more brothers were born, hehehe. Cancer seems to be the illness in our clan, three of my brothers passed-away within the span of ten years then followed by my Dad.

How I wish I had a sister to giggle with while growing up as a teenager , you know what I mean... But in the course of time I have many "sisters" with whom I am still in contact with since more than 40 years. Every time I fly for a visit in my home country the Philippines, it is always a riot and exciting. And even if they are all scattered worldwide, we still meet sometimes. You are surely a nice and lovely person inside and out my dear @ninahaskin. That I am sure of . Cheers "sister"!