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RE: The Controversial Garment

in Ladies of Hive • 2 years ago

I think a lot of people are wearing the wrong bra

Of that, I'm sure!

will be happy that they come across this article.

I do hope so 🤞

Hmmm, Miss Mary sounds familiar. I think that was the brand my girlfriend bought in Holland (a very nice expensive brand). That's where she first got her bra size measured. When she came back and told me the size bra she bought, I told her that could not be correct because my breast were like 5 times bigger than hers. It was so funny. That's when I discovered how to determine the size correctly, and I was shocked to see how high the letters went up to :)

 2 years ago (edited) 

Lol - I had to laugh. Yes Miss Mary is a good one. It is shocking sometimes as looks are deceiving when it come to cups.

That's so very true!!