I can only imagine what sort of cultural pressure your daughter must have felt under to take her own life and I can only imagine how painful this loss was for you.
I'm from England and in 1990 my sister fell pregnant at 16. It wasn't easy for her, but she had support and there wasn't the judgement on teen pregnancies by this time that there used to be. She did have to fight postnatal depression along with anorexia and bulimia, so even without that judgement it's a lot to handle mentally.
It was mental torture to us all but I have to keep my sanity and better judgement for the sake of my kids who were still in their primary years. Well, it's a Catholic school and against their rules so they say, but where's humanity there? It was an eye-opener for those who have experienced this kind of situation.
Post partum is hard to handle too. It's mental anguish. So how is she now?
She is better than then, but there were always ups and downs. The teen years for her son were hard as he ended up on drugs and is still trying to pick his life back up. He'll be 30 soon and still at home, struggling to hold a job.
She seems like a shining example of success and turning her life around, with a PhD and a government job, but it's a lacquer over the emotional struggles happening underneath. She's never managed to have a long term, stable relationship and gets very lonely at times, but she also separated herself from family early on, both physically and emotionally. I am still close emotionally with her (I was the first to know about her pregnancy), but we are half a world apart physically now, which gets hard when we're in emotional turmoil.
The emotional dips are when she has to fight turning back to the eating disorders, so they are always lurking.
Getting a job is like a security blanket you know. We tend to forget the sorrows and all the heartaches. It's good that you were there too. She needs your moral support. I hope that her son will be able to pick up the pieces and start a new life. It's never too late if the heart is willing.
Thanks for the interaction dear. It's highly appreciated. God bless!
Yes, that is true. Having something you know you hafe to do can keep you sane at times.
Blessings to you too. I'm glad to have come to meet you and your beautiful soul on Hive.