Concurso comunitario LADIES of Hive … Contest# 9
Hola queridos amigos Hivers , en este momento asumo el reto …
LADIES of Hive… Community Contest Contest # 9
Hello dear friends Hivers, at this moment I take on the challenge ...
1.- ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que se desafío a sí mismo, o quien fue la última persona que lo desafió y cómo funcionó?
When was the last time you challenged yourself, or who was the last person to challenge you and how did it work?
Enfrentando el desafío
About three years ago, a challenging event occurred in my life at work and training level, I had to resign from my job where I was for 20 years in the administrative area and for reasons beyond my control I could no longer be in that place. It is when I start new paths, and I take into account my other profession. I am a teacher and I have been doing it for ten years but as a complementary job, part-time in private institutions and for that reason I was motivated to seek full-time employment in education.
**En mi reto como Profesora de inglés **
Amid so much searching I have the opportunity to enter the ministry of education in my country Venezuela and offer me a few hours of work in a high school that is located in a rural area, already there the first challenge, a place that besides being far away, its public transportation did not work regularly and with an additional situation of a high margin of crime placing it among the most dangerous in the state
**Con mis estudiantes **
(Foto autorizada por sus representantes, parte de mi proyecto final)
Adding all the previous ones, they inform me that the available hours were in a Foreign language English, an area that I did not master but the basics or instruments that I was able to study within the curriculum of the administration career, marketing mention from which I graduated.
En el Reto Pedagógico de Inglés
It was then that the real challenge began, to assume a position as an English teacher in November 2017 and with the condition of studying and preparing in relation to the specialty, already in December I would be classified as permanent teachers with 40 hours a week. Six months later I was summoned to enter the Simón Rodríguez mission, now known as the Samuel Robinson National Experimental University of Teaching, I have completed my studies as a Professor in English Foreign Language, I am still waiting for my title but I give faith and testimony that it has It has been a great experience on a personal level, I have shown that everything can be achieved, that learning is constant, that it is never too late and that you always have to know and not refuse to cross new horizons
2.- ¿De qué estás agradecido?
What are you grateful for?
Mi Familia uno de mis agradecimientos más importantes
I eternally thank God for the opportunity to live, to breathe fully the goodness of feeling and having known the feeling of love, my family.
Matriarcado Mérida
I am grateful for enlivening my Faith and hope towards the daily miracle that exists in my life, as I have managed to resolve difficulties, face challenges and challenges, wake up to the anguish and despair that may affect at some point.
Con mi mamá en su cumple # 68 y mis hermanos
I am grateful for being and belonging to this nation and still being in this my beloved land, Venezuela. I am grateful for every dawn and dusk, for the hugs from my daughters, for the love that my mother felt in her life for me, for the protection that I still receive from my father, for unconditional friends, for mother Luisa who loves me as if she were from her womb, I am grateful for my son Alber who, although I did not give birth to him, loves me every moment. Thanks to life …
**Con mi Hijo Alber … Agradezco por ese abrazo **
Go ahead and participate, it is a great opportunity and you can join weekly through the Ladies of hive community. I share the link of cotest # 9
Today I invite my friend in Hive, @tiba, whom I wish to join this wonderful community. Blessings
You have overcome! Excellent! Thanks for sharing!
Gracias a esta oportunidad por encontrarme con personas maravillosas
You are very welcome!
Felicitaciones. Enseñar y tener la oportunidad de ayudar a jóvenes es algo muy importante. También pienso que la familia es una gran bendición.
You have overcome!!!
Good luck with the content!
Agradecida , Dios les bendiga . Iniciativas como estas nos motivan a expresarnos libremente ...
It is good to still have a positive attitude even though your country is lacking many resources. I feel that my country is heading the same way and I must encourage a feeling of hope, gratefulness and optimism among my own family and friends to plan, endure, overcome, love and achieve in light of any circumstances.
Thank you for sharing @mirnamerida 🌻
Debemos mantener la Fe y la esperanza con esfuerzo y dedicación
Felicidades Amiga!! que bueno tenerte de nuevo por acá!.
Gracias, por motivarme a continuar