ESP/ING Concurso #136 Una vida con muchas patitas🐾// Contest #136 A life with many legs 🐾

in Ladies of Hivelast year

¡Hola amigas de Hive!

El día de hoy me sumo al concurso, y les quiero contar un poco sobre una vida con muchas patitas. Me encantan los animales, siento que son parte de mí familia y cada uno tiene algo que lo hace especial, cada uno es importante y cada uno contribuye a mí vida de una forma diferente ❣️

Wakanda y Federico .

Wakanda: Cumplió 7 meses el día de ayer. Me la entregaron en adopción el día 17 de enero de este año, actualmente es la consentida de la familia porque es la más pequeña, su abuela y su diseñadora de modas personal. Es muy tremenda y juguetona, la que me da los buenos días cada día,y me espera siempre. Algunas semanas después que me la entregaron se me enfermo y se me vio muy malita, todos estábamos preocupados pero gracias a dios logramos que cumpliera su tratamiento y ahora es una perrita muy sana.

Federico: este príncipe tiene aproximadamente 2 años y medio. Lo conocí así todo grandote (es hijo de mí actual pareja), al comienzo me daba mucho miedo porque era algo gruñón, a medida que nos fuimos conociendo me esperaba cada vez que venía, hoy en día me da abrazos y muchos besitos para que lo consienta es un perrito muy noble e incluso me defiende de cualquier cosa, creo que después de todo me gane un pequeño lugar en su corazón.

Silvestre y Pantera.

Silvestre: Soy fanática de los gatos, y el fue mí segunda mascota. El es una gatito salvado del peligro de las calles, cuando lo rescataron estaba a punto de ser devorado por un perrito, luego llego a mis manos con tan solo 1 mes de nacido, y tenía muchos problemas en su barriguita, con mucho amor y comidita lo fuimos cuidando y hoy en día es un gato súper bonito (esterilizado) y la mascota favorita de mí mamá, ya que es su compañero más fiel.

Pantera: Este negrito guapo tiene a penas 1 año y medio, es mí sobrino, mí hermana siempre había querido un gatito negro, el también es rescatadito y también está estilizado. Es un gatito muy jugueton y que ama los besos y los abrazos... Es el compañero de tremenduras de Silver.

Positivo y Toreto

Positivo: Ya tiene dos años, llego muy pequeñito, fue traído del campo, actualmente es un poco agresivo, (no sabemos porque está conducta), a pesar de eso lo queremos muchísimo, y aunque es muy tremendo cuando está de bueno no faltan sus juegos y sus lamidas para jugar con todos.

Toreto: Tiene 5 años con la familia, es hijo de mí hermana también, el es rescatado de un hogar de maltratos es el perro más noble y leal que he conocido, no importa cuántos días pase sin verlo , cada vez que nos vemos su emoción para abrazarme es de otro nivel, es muy cariñoso, educado y juguetón.

Black y MíGato:

Black: Este pequeñito de tan solo 1 mes de vida aproximadamente lo dejaron abandonado en una caja cerca de la casa de mí mamá y decidimos que se quedaría hasta que le encontramos un hogar, ya aprendío a comer solo y a ir a su caja de arena, pero muchas persona han preguntado con el pero sin éxito no hemos conseguido un buen hogar para el, así que mientras tanto esta formando parte de nuestra familia.

MíGato: cuando empecé a llegar a casa de mí pareja, me llamo la atención un gatito que había perdido su ojito en una pelea, era muy tímido y asustadizo, solo lo podía alimentar... Poco a poco me fui encariñando con el y acercándome a el,no puede comer cosas duras por lo que trato de hacerle sopitas. Ya se deja tocar y acariciar, cuando tenga mas confianza quiero llevarlo al veterinario para coserle esa herida, mientras tanto seguir llenandolo de amor.

Muchas personas me dicen que solo son animales, que no es para tanto, que porque gasto tanto dinero en ellos, que duerman afuera, que no se deben vestir y un sin fin de cosas, obviamente no faltan los comentarios despectivos negativamente preguntando "¿Que raza son?" Y la verdad es que no, no son perros de raza, no hablan y se que no son un niño, pero estoy segura que sus adopciones son más planificadas y responsables que cualquier persona que me pregunta.

Además existen esas personas que afirman que malgasto dinero y comida en esos animales pudiendolos "donar" a niños necesitados, si es verdad, pero fundaciones así hay muchísimas, pero son pocas las fundaciones para rescate animal, lo peor de todo es que muchas de las personas que hacen este tipo de comentario tiene 5 niños, o son padres que no se hacen cargo de sus hijos, entonces estoy segura que le prestó más atención a mis mascotas que ellos a sus hijos.

El amor de un animal es el más puro y leal que existe y más si es de un rescatadito y mientras pueda seguiré apostando todo por ellos, sin darle importancia a los comentarios despectivos e insignificantes de personas con poca conciencia y empatía .

  • Las fotos son de mí autoría, tomadas con un teléfono Alcatel 1v 2020.
  • Fueron editadas en la aplicación de Instagram.
  • Traducción con
  • El contenido es 100% original y exclusivo para .

✨~ Aprovecha cada oportunidad ~✨

Hello Hive friends!

Today I join the contest, and I want to tell you a little about a life with many legs. I love animals, I feel that they are part of my family and each one has something that makes it special, each one is important and each one contributes to my life in a different way ❣️

Wakanda and Federico.

Wakanda: He turned 7 months old yesterday. She was given to me for adoption on January 17 of this year, she is currently the darling of her family because she is her youngest, her grandmother and her personal fashion designer. She is very tremendous and playful, the one who says good morning to me every day, and she always waits for me. A few weeks after she was delivered to me she got sick and she looked very sick to me, we were all worried but thank God we managed to get her to comply with her treatment and now she is a very healthy dog.

Federico: this prince is approximately 2 and a half years old. I met him like that, all big (he is the son of my current partner), at first he scared me because he was a bit grumpy, as we got to know each other he waited for me every time I came, nowadays he gives me hugs and lots of kisses so I can see him. consent, he is a very noble puppy and he even defends me from anything, I think that after all he won me a small place in his heart.

Wild and Panther.

  • Silvestre *: I'm a fan of cats, and he was my second pet. He is a kitten saved from the danger of the streets, when he was rescued he was about to be eaten by a puppy, then he came into my hands when he was only 1 month old, and he had many problems in his tummy, with lots of love and food We took care of him and today he is a super cute cat (sterilized) and my mom's favorite pet, since he is her most faithful companion.

  • Pantera *: This handsome black boy is barely 1 and a half years old, he is my nephew, my sister had always wanted a black kitten, he is also a rescue and he is also stylized. He is a very playful kitten who loves hugs and kisses... he is Silver's fearsome companion.

Positive and Toreto

Positive: He is already two years old, he arrived very small, he was brought from the countryside, he is currently a bit aggressive (we don't know why he is behaving), despite that we love him very much, and although he is very tremendous when he is good, we don't their games and their licks are missing to play with everyone.

Toreto: He's 5 years old with the family, he's my sister's son too, he's rescued from an abusive home, he's the noblest and most loyal dog I've ever met, no matter how many days I go without seeing him, every time we see each other his emotion to hug me is on another level, he is very affectionate, polite and playful.

Black and MyCat:

Black: This little boy, only approximately 1 month old, was left abandoned in a box near my mom's house and we decided that he would stay until we found him a home, he already learned to eat by himself and go to his feeding box. arena, but many people have asked with him but without success we have not found a good home for him, so in the meantime he is forming part of our family.

MyCat: when I started coming to my partner's house, a kitten caught my attention that had lost its eye in a fight, it was very shy and scared, I could only feed it... Little by little I became fond of it and approaching him, he can't eat hard things so I try to make him soups. He already allows himself to be touched and caressed, when he is more confident I want to take him to the vet to sew up that wound, meanwhile continue filling him with love.

Many people tell me that they are just animals, that it's not a big deal, that because I spend so much money on them, that they sleep outside, that they shouldn't dress and endless things, obviously there is no shortage of negatively derogatory comments asking "What race are they?" And the truth is that no, they are not purebred dogs, they do not speak and I know they are not a child, but I am sure that their adoptions are more planned and responsible than anyone who asks me.

In addition, there are those people who claim that I waste money and food on those animals, being able to "donate" them to needy children, yes it is true, but there are many foundations like this, but there are few foundations for animal rescue, worst of all is that many of the people who make this type of comment have 5 children, or are parents who do not take care of their children, then I am sure that they paid more attention to my pets than they did to their children.

The love of an animal is the purest and most loyal that exists and even more so if it belongs to a little rescuer and as long as I can I will continue betting everything on them, without giving importance to the derogatory and insignificant comments of people with little conscience and empathy.

  • The photos are my own, taken with an Alcatel 1v 2020 phone.

  • They were edited on the Instagram app.

  • Translation with

  • The content is 100% original and exclusive to .

✨~ seize every opportunity ~✨


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Animals have feelings too, and I commend you for the care and support of all that you've taken on. Anyone who doesn't have even the slightest of a soft spot for an animal-well, I might question whether or not they could love a child or their spouse! Animals cannot defend themselves against humans and even some other animals.

Thank you for taking the time and spending the well spent money on taking care of them, and thanks for sharing! Take care!

Thank you very much for visiting my publication, greetings and a hug ❣️🐾

You are very welcome!🤗💜

Oh my God so many pets, you really have a very strong connection with them and you take such good care of them.