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RE: Update on life with my new laptop

in Ladies of Hive5 months ago

A mouse really makes things easier and I'll take my mouse as well, some things are just way quicker with it. But I'll only be using it in a hotel, not a plane or the airport I'm sure.

I find it interesting how there are whole households that have never had a Windows computer and always lived with a Mac. Definitely not me!

What made you get a MacBook?


What made you get a MacBook?

My husband pitied me for using a PC, and when I started doing photography, he insisted on me getting a Mac. I bought an HP after getting my Mac, to use as an everyday computer. However, the battery died twice and then it malfunctioned non-stop. You've reminded me to have my husband destroy it when he returns from work. He'll be delighted!😆

Aaah, photography. I did (and do) a ton of photography for a while semi-professionally and I still continued to use Windows. I didn't see a reason to switch to a Mac for it.

Make a video when he smashes that POS - that would be too funny! My previous one, an Alienware gaming laptop is actually still top, so I am going to Ebay it.

Make a video when he smashes that POS - that would be too funny!

Haha! That's a good idea!😆👍