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RE: Date yourself, date yourself often

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Heya @jacobtothe! I see, are you an INTJ as well?

When I choose a group activity, I need a small group to avoid feeling overwhelmed

I'm quite friendly and I can start conversations with strangers (in a huge crowd) but I don't last long. I'd find myself wanting to just lie in bed or isolate myself in a corner in no time. I like to talk but I don't feel comfortable talking for a long time with strangers and even people I know of.

but I have been known to plan a day of casually browsing book shops, sporting goods stores, and my friendly local game shop along with a stop at a park to watch the river or stroll through the trees

There's peace in afternoon walks and strolling around the neighborhood! Glad to know, I'm not the only one being weird (as everyone around me thinks haha).

Thanks for dropping by!


Introverts and night owls are subjected to a world designed for extroverts and morning larks. Not fitting the mold is weird, but not wrong.