Game Over

This year has been my personal annus horribilis and we I have been feeling inside pretty much like these flowers:


I have been doing some soul searching and I know now that I can't keep living in this tiny town as I'm deep inside city girl and this is whole thing is not for me.

Unfortunately it has lead to a crash course as when you live with someone you need to decide the right course for the relationship and this just meant game over in this case.

But the funny thing is that I'm not even sad. I'm feeling excited and relieved as I realize now that I have not been living for myself, but for the other person and trying to make their dream to come true.

The thing is, if I would die tomorrow accidentally I would be so furious because I didn't do the things or live where I wanted.

Maybe this year was supposed to be my wake-up call and really make me see what really matters to me.

I can maybe bloom now again and start a new game while keeping in mind what I have learned this year.



Hopefully you get things worked out for the best for both of you :)

Thanks! I'm sure we will

Oon pahoillani, mutta samalla myös mahtavaa että olet helpottunut ja elämä tuntuu paremmalta. Ketäs muuta varten täällä eletään kuin itseä ja omia unelmia varten?

Näimpä, mutta kovin vaikeaa on muistaa elää itselle eikä muille

Live for yourself!
Or live for both of you.
Your dreams, as well as yours!
Find yourself.
And be happy!

I will indeed life for myself from now on

Good for you!
Keep smiling 😍

"Live like there is no tomorrow" is always something I try to remember.

Also, your table is beautiful.

That is a great thing to remember! Thank you, I like it also very much ☺️

Uh... hold strong mind, hard times are here so we can learn.

Thank you so much! Yes, this is definitely a learning opportunity

You're welcome... I be soon more back to see what you more post :)


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