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RE: I am my top priority: Striking a balance between self and family LOH178

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

Oftentimes we women tend to be carried away by so many activities of life, work, and family forgetting that we also matter in all these activities, most times we don't even remember to eat, and at the end of the day we become so exhausted and drained out, leaving us to lie down as a plug of wood, just to wake up early the next day to continue with household chores.

Can't agree with you more...

Well said and you wrote beautifully about how self-care is needed. Family always comes first, I know, but when you are mentally and physically healthy by taking care of yourself, you can also take care of others. I understand a mother always puts family and kids first, responsibilities come first but there should be balance. Unfortunately, we, women will never understand how important self-care is for us...