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RE: LOH #215 ~` Making Time For Things That Matters

in Ladies of Hivelast month

I also didn't set any specific goals for myself for the upcoming year yet. I normally don't set many goals for the future because when I cannot achieve them, I feel depressed. My only thought for the upcoming year is to stay healthy, that's all. Thanks for sharing...

By the way, have you decided what genre books you gonna read?


I used to love reading horror , don't know why though 😃😃😃.

Now, I am gearing towards adventure or sci-fi. What would you recommend??

Thriller, Mystery, and thriller Sci-fi would be interesting... I personally don't like horror anymore due to some issues but I enjoy thriller sci-fi a lot. Also, I am a fan of the apocalypse and dark kind of thriller genre 🤣. But I hate violence and actions... 🤣

😃😃😃😃 I love how you hate but still love them. Thank you for the recommendations.