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RE: Woodturning With Cheryl - Scorched and embellished oak bowl

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

This is so interesting, and something I'd totally love to do myself. How much did it cost fire the equipment (if you don't mind me asking)?

Then I'm guessing there's classes you'd have to take as well.

I've been on a waiting list for potery classes here in Liverpool for a while, but no joy.

I think the final product you made is beautiful by the way 🥣👍🌿


Thank you so much! All the equipment is second hand, but I think we paid around £1000 to get started. Obviously, like anything in life, you can spend ridiculous amounts buying the most up to date machinery etc, but basic machinery works for my price range haha 😂 I am self taught actually, YouTube has been my go to resource