My new makeover... [ESP|ENG]

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

¡Hola, Mi querida Comunidad de Hive!

Hello, My dear Hive Community!


Buenos días Princesas de Hive, espero esten bien y tengan un bendecido y maravilloso día..

Good morning Princesses of Hive, I hope you are well and have a blessed and wonderful day..


Siempre he pensado que el cabello es una de las cosas mas importantes que la mujer tiene, por ende siempre hacer un corte así tan radical, despues de tanto dejarlo crecer es un suicidio jeje..

Para mi es muy significativo este acto, demuestra que no me importan los cambios drasticos, que puedo sobrevivir a cualquier cambio de mi vida y que de mi depende mi felicidad.

I have always thought that hair is one of the most important things that women have, therefore always making a cut so radical, after so much letting it grow is suicide hehe...

For me this act is very significant, it shows that I don't care about drastic changes, that I can survive any change in my life and that my happiness depends on me.


Siempre me ha gustado el cabello corto cada vez que veía a alguien en la calle con cabello corto moría literalmente, me quedaba admirandolo. Mi mamá y mi esposo no me dejaban cortarmelo entonces tuve que irme escapada a la peluquería justamente el 31 de diciembre para poder cortarmelo, estaba aterradisima no tanto por el largo de mi cabello sino que si no me gustaba me iba a poner a llorar al frente de todos, porque no a todo el mundo le queda bien el corte que yo me hice, se llama "corte bob"

I have always liked short hair, every time I saw someone on the street with short hair, I literally died, I was admiring it. My mom and my husband wouldn't let me cut it so I had to go to the hairdresser's on December 31 to cut it, I was terrified not so much because of the length of my hair but because if I didn't like it I was going to start crying in front everyone, because not everyone looks good with the cut that I did, it's called "bob cut"


A lo largo de mi vida la mayoría de veces he querido marcar diferencia, no me gusta lo común y no me afana tener lo que tienen todos, me gusta estar en constantes cambios. El cabello largo es hermoso pero en mi caso no me hace resaltar porque tengo poco cabello y para que me luzca tengo que hacerme ondas casi siempre, en cambio con el cabello corto no hay personas que me diga que me quede mal el corte.. No me gusta ser común y tener el cabello largo como todas, claro si ofender hay mujeres que se ven deslumbrantes con la cabellera de rapunzel, sin embargo en mi no me gusta mucho..

Throughout my life, most of the time I have wanted to make a difference, I do not like the common and I am not anxious to have what everyone has, I like to be in constant change. Long hair is beautiful but in my case it doesn't make me stand out because I have little hair and to make it look I have to make waves almost always, on the other hand with short hair there are no people who tell me that the cut looks bad on me.. No I like to be ordinary and have long hair like everyone else, of course if offending there are women who look dazzling with Rapunzel's hair, however I don't like it very much..


Como no me había quedado del largo que yo quería y no se veía bien definido el corte fui a la peluquería nuevamente en enero para cortarlo un poco mas, tenía miedo igual pero lo hice jaja si me quedaba muy corto y se veía mal pues no tenía mas remedio. Cuando lo cortaron quedo super corto atrás y wow me senti super nerviosa por unos minutos, pero cuando llegue a casa y lo planche quede mas enamorada aun del corte. Realmente amo como me queda este corte de cabello.

Claro no descarto dejarlo crecer mas adelante, quizas con unas mechas o Balayage y larguisimo se vea brutal..
A lo que quiero llegar con este post como lo dije inicialmente, no debemos temerle a los cambios, sino estar constantemente evolucionando ya sea cambiando y que la gente tenga una perspectiva diferente de nosotros. No tener miedo a los cambios radicales hablando en todos los sentidos, ya que siempre de los cambios surgen las oportunidades y hay que aprovecharlas..

As it had not been the length that I wanted and the cut did not look well defined, I went to the hairdresser again in January to cut it a little more, I was still scared but I did it haha ​​if it was too short and it looked bad then I did not have more remedy. When they cut it it was super short in the back and wow I felt super nervous for a few minutes, but when I got home and ironed it I fell even more in love with the cut. I really love how this haircut looks on me.

Of course I don't rule out letting it grow later, maybe with some highlights or Balayage and it looks really long...
What I want to get to with this post, as I said initially, we should not be afraid of changes, but rather be constantly evolving or changing and that people have a different perspective of us. Do not be afraid of radical changes speaking in all senses, since opportunities always arise from changes and you have to take advantage of them.


Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi de mi telefono Iphone X.

No manejo bien el ingles, no es mi idioma natal es por eso que utilizo el traductor DeepL..

Gracias por leer hasta el final, espero les guste mi pequeña enseñanza metafórica..

The photos were taken by me from my iPhone X phone.

I do not handle English well, it is not my native language, that is why I use the DeepL translator.

Thanks for reading until the end, I hope you like my little metaphorical teaching.

Plantilla final.jpg


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