My Happy Birthday Storytime

Buenas tardes mis ladies ¿Cómo están?

Estoy aquí una vez más después de mucho tiempo.

Disculpen mi ausencia aunque cada vez que desaparezco regreso con sucesos interesantes. Por lo menos puedo comentarles aventuras. 🤣

Hi my ladies! How are you?

I'm here again after a long time

Sorry for my absence, but every time I disappear I come back with interesting events. At least I can at least tell you about my adventures 🤣

Cumplí 21 este año y aunque todavia me siento estancada he pasado por buenos momentos y malos, los cuales espero contarles en orden cronológico para que sientan que lo estan viviendo conmigo.

Para este año no quise fiesta ni torta solo queria un rato agradable con mis amigos. Así que queria una piscinada. El problema era ¿Cuál piscina? Todavia mi operación era reciente y el cloro podia resultar ser fatal para mis ojos.

I turned 21 this year and although I still feel stagnant I have gone through good times and bad, which I hope to tell you in chronological order so that you feel that you are living it with me.

For this year I didn't want a party or cake, I just wanted to have a nice time with my friends. So I wanted a pool party. The problem was which pool? My surgery was still recent and the chlorine could prove to be fatal for my eyes.

El lugar escogido fue Don Pancho Ranch un lugar campestres con piscina de agua de pozo, sin quimicos ni cloro. Parecia ideal. A mis amigos les gustó la idea y las fotos del lugar eran un sueño.

El unico en contra era mi papá, para él quedaba muy lejos y el preferia que la piscina quedara cerca para llevarnos a todos y por si yo necesitaba algo ademas de que mi papá era el encargado de pagar el lugar, asi durante los dias antes del cumpleaños mantuvo firme su posicion de escoger otro sitio.

No me malinterpreten, mi papá es una buen papá y solo queria cuidarnos pero parece olvidar que mis amigos y yo somos universitarios. La de menor edad soy yo y todos son adultos. Así que no salió como el esperaba.

The place chosen was Don Pancho Ranch, a country place with a pool of well water, without chemicals or chlorine. It looked ideal. My friends liked the idea and the pictures of the place were a dream.

The only one against was my dad, for him it was too far away and he preferred the pool to be close to take us all and in case I needed something, besides my dad was the one in charge of paying for the place, so during the days before the birthday he kept his position of choosing another place.

Don't get me wrong, my dad is a good dad and just wanted to take care of us but he seems to forget that my friends and I are college students. I am the youngest and they are all adults. So it didn't work out the way he expected.

Sus quejas eran:

a)Queda muy lejos ¿Quien los puede llevar si no soy yo?

Varios de mis amigos disponian de carro.

b) El lugar es demasiado caro.

Habia un paquete disponible de 5$ la entrada por persona. Cada uno de mis amigos pagó su entrada.

c) ¿Si hace falta algo?

No hizo falta nada. La comida la pusieron mis amigos en colaboración conmigo.

Their complaints were:

a) It is too far away. Who can take them if not me?

Several of my friends had a car.

b) The place is too expensive.

There was a package available for $5 per person. Each of my friends paid their own entrance fee.

c) If anything is needed?

Nothing was needed. The food was provided by my friends in collaboration with me.

No tuvo mas opcion que ceder y dejarme planear. Él está acostumbrado a grandes fiestas y muchos amigos. Yo por el contrario mi circulo es cerrado y solo queria un sitio tranquilo y poder divertirnos y hablar además de que ni siquiera tomo alcohol.

Perdió la batalla, estoy segura que fue un pequeño golpe al ego xD

Aqui les muestro las fotos del día.

He had no choice but to give in and let me plan. He is used to big parties and lots of friends. I on the other hand my circle is closed and I just wanted a quiet place to have fun and talk and I don't even drink alcohol.

He lost the battle, I'm sure it was a small blow to the ego.

Here are the pictures of the day.

Mi papá terminó contento.

My dad ended up happy

Fue un día conmemorable que guardaré en mi corazón, lo disfrute mucho y espero tener más días así de diversión y paz.

Todas las fotos son sacadas de mi teléfono.

It was a memorable day that I will keep in my heart, I enjoyed it very much and I hope to have more days like this of fun and peace.

All photos are taken from my phone.

Translate by Deepl


Espero hayas tenido un feliz cumpleaños. Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros

Muchas gracias amiga realmente lo disfruté

Awwwwww, the shots alone shows that you had a great moment with your circle of friends on your big day. I am happy your dad ended up being happy even when you didn't meet his choice. So sorry for the surgery you had, I hope you get better
Also , stop disappearing here 😍..we need more of

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Awww thank You so much friend i did had great moment. I try not disappear hehe. I really like this community

Happy Birthday to you! I'm glad it all worked out. The cake looks lovely. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

Thank Youuu, yes the cake was yummy 😋

Glad you enjoyed your birthday with your friends and family. Yes dad are always protective and always concerned for us.

Happy birthday to you.

Thank You 😋 yeah the fathers are protective forever 🤣

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