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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #115

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

I love flowers, I really enjoy them, loving my garden, it's lovely. I am always present in the hive ladies either with comments or voting. Daily work leaves me tired and sitting down to read is very pleasant @joanstewart

Me encantan las flores las disfruto mucho ponerle cariño a mi jardin es encantador. Siempre estoy presente en las damas de colmena ya sea con comentarios o votando. El trabajo diario me deja cansada y sentarme a leer es muy agradable


A flower I would recognize, lovely to be out in the garden enjoying the plants we collect over the years.

Las flores que coloque en el post son la rosa del desierto y la flor de cerezo, me imagino que te refieres a esa, no le conocía ese otro nombre.
The flowers that are placed in the post are the desert rose and the cherry blossom, I imagine that you mean that, I did not know that other name.

Desert rose is the Impala Lily Adenium multiflorum from South Africa, both names are used.

Cherry blossom one I have yet to see, very pretty flower whenever photographs are shared.

Well, I already learned another name, I love impala, it sounds like a chevrolet impala caprice that we once had, ha ha ha

Never too old to learn! Have a day of fun.