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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #85

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Great questions 😉👍
And for me... I see criticisms as something positive, something that I can learn from and take with me.
If noone tells me I do a thing wrong, then how would I know right?

Only time I say... NO
Is if someone give criticisms that says... Damn your head is to BIG for your body 😂 Hahahaha

Good luck ladies 🤗


I agree! Critism is a good thing unless someone is coming at you with malice. My issue is that I take everything personal to a level that is unhealthy. I am a people pleaser. I've learned to take all advice and censure with a grain of salt. Good Luck Hive Lady!

Thank you Saffisara :) I learned to like criticisms too and try to learn from them because we can't see our own flaws unless someone points them out :)

Damn your head is to BIG for your body 😂 Hahahaha

Darn, I won't let this go too, lol! I mean I can't change it even if how many times someone tells me my head is too damn big LOL!