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RE: My Introduction to Hive

in Ladies of Hivelast year

Hola, @doreenarch, bienvenida a la gran familia de Hive. Espero Que te encuentres bien entre nosotros y que está experiencia se agregue a tu lista de éxitos. Eres talentosa y dinámica y creo que tu aporte va a enriquecer con buen contenido nuestra red. Saludos desde Venezuela. Bienvenida de nuevo.

Hello @doreenarch, welcome to the big Hive family. I hope that you feel well among us and that this experience is added to your list of successes. You are talented and dynamic and I believe that your contribution will enrich our network with good content. Greetings from Venezuela. Welcome. Kudos.


Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'll make sure this is one of those great achievements.