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RE: Life is Fragile

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

I don't know what triggered it. I just know now that my body is not the same.
I'm in remission from my cancer since 2017, and it is not cancer-related.
You can say that it related more to my bout three months ago.
I just have to be careful!
I appreciate that you are always helpful in the Ladies of Hive, and you have indeed taken on the responsibilities that it takes. For this, and many more, I am very grateful! I am relying on you. 🥰🌺🤙
!ENGAGEI'm very touched, @brittandjosie!


Well I say offcourse and no need to thank I love the ladies and the project you started. Now you need to figure out how to get better
I will be sending strength and wish you merry holidays for Christmas and a great and prosperous 2021