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RE: WINNERS: Ladies of Hive Contest #99

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Greetings my distinguished and beloved friends of Ladies of Hive, I feel super honored for being the winner of a great edition more of the contests of our community, because I know that all entries tell with the excellence that characterizes each of the ladies of The participating hive. I would like to leave a final message, I hope I have contributed in some way with the main objective of this contest that lies in the fact that women know the foundations of the law, rights and procedures inherent to the gender violence of each country, which we know how to act , how to help; I know that in this fabulous platform there are many Venezuelan dedicating ourselves to creating quality content, I especially tell you that the Organic Law on Women's Law to a life free of violence is oriented to the integral protection of women and family and large quantity of institutions, organisms and collective in general with knowledge of the case we are deployed and committed to enforcing it; Do not shut up if they are victims of violence or know someone who suffers violence, break the silence; We are not alone and we will never be because we have empowered ourselves to make ourselves respect as women and worthy human beings that we are and not only in Venezuela, but in the entire world. If any authority incurs negligence, you do not discourage you, the regional institutes of women throughout Venezuela are at the foref go; Do not make yourself complicit in the aggressor with silence, there are many lives that we can save and protect the psychosocial development of our children and adolescents; Our men and women of the future who do not deserve to claudicate as aggressors or women abused later.