Hola @sayo funmi buenos días, gracias por leer mi post, si de verdad era algo muy incomodo que me sucedía frecuentemente, porque yo emocionalmente me sentía bien, pero son gestos que aveces tenemos en el rostro naturales o propios, que reflejan molestia de nuestra imagen y los he logrado corregir atraves de la esta pequeña práctica, pensamientos positivos y sonreir, pensar en cosas graciosas que te han sucedido.
Hello @sayo funmi good morning, thank you for reading my post, yes indeed it was something very uncomfortable that happened to me frequently, because emotionally I felt good, but they are gestures that sometimes we have in the face natural or own, that reflect discomfort of our image and I have managed to correct them through this small practice, positive thoughts and smile, think of funny things that have happened to you.
I've been putting it into use and I can say there has been changes so far. Thanks for the tips 🤗