Contest 142: Mis inseguridades
Hola Hola

Aquí vamos:
¿Hay algo que ves dentro de ti mismo de lo que no estás seguro?
Mucho, mucho, mucho. Hay mucho dentro de mí que me crea inseguridad, pero muchas de esas inseguridades son gracias a no saber con quién me estaba rodeando en ese tiempo de pre adolescente.
Que lastima que otras personas puedan hacerte creer que eres inferior, lamentablemente no supe seleccionar mis amistades en ese tiempo y la verdad que la que escogí no fue la mejor.
Gracias a Dios no la tengo cerca, creo que nadie sabe mucho sobre eso, aunque no es una cosa de morir, ella fue una de las que me hizo cuestionar muchas cosas de mi aspecto físico y cuando tengo dudas esas inseguridades salen de mi parte oscura y me juzgo mucho.
Gracias a terapias, o ejercicios que aprendí las pocas veces que fui a terapia, los aplico y me hago sentir hermosa, lo mejor es que a medida que maduro como mujer eso menos me va afectado, pero creo que fue una parte muy importante es mi desarrollo como adolescente - adulto.
Creo que no he visto lo que es, eso es mi peso corporal. Yo no era gorda, pero siempre fui corpulenta, grande. Me juzgaban por mi peso. Además de ser ingenua, me agarraban como ratón de laboratorio a experimentar y yo me dejaba.
En fin, eso fue hace muchos años, así que hoy día aprendí de eso, solo que no dejo de ser ingenua y creerle a las personas.
Contest 142: My insecurities
Hello hello

Here we go:
Is there something you see within yourself that you are not sure of?
A lot a lot a lot. There is a lot inside of me that creates insecurity, but many of those insecurities are thanks to not knowing who I was surrounding myself with in that pre-adolescent time.
What a pity that other people can make you believe that you are inferior, unfortunately I did not know how to select my friends at that time and the truth is that the one I chose was not the best.
Thank God I don't have her around, I don't think anyone knows much about it, although it's not something to die for, she was one of those who made me question many things about my physical appearance and when I have doubts those insecurities come out of my dark side and I judge myself a lot.
Thanks to therapies, or exercises that I learned the few times I went to therapy, I apply them and make myself feel beautiful, the best thing is that as I mature as a woman that affects me less, but I think it was a very important part of my development as an adolescent - adult.
I don't think I've seen what it is, that's my body weight. I wasn't fat, but I was always stout, big. They judged me by my weight. In addition to being naive, they took me like a laboratory mouse to experiment and I let myself.
Anyway, that was many years ago, so today I've learned from that, only I can't stop being naive and believing people.
Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜
-Fotos Redmi Note 9S
Oh dear, I totally understand this feeling of being seen as inferior due to being somewhat robust and weighty in nature. I'm glad you fit ties with the girl you called friend who made you feel inferior. Any person that looks down on you because of anything at all don't deserve the name friend! Greetings ✨
Thanks to the fact that our lives found their own way, since then I haven't seen her or talked to her.
Thank you for your care. ✨
I guess insecurity is the main issue most ladies are facing. Being in this society where beauty has standards and being criticized, we tend to get insecure about those who seem prettier than us ..i guess it's just a matter of self confidence and acceptance.. If you accept who you really are and is confident enough to face society, you won't feel insecure...
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As a grown woman, I feel much more confident than that 13-year-old girl, I know who I am and what I can achieve. Thanks for stopping by.
Es muy triste que haya gente que haga sentir inseguras a otros o que abusen de estos dándoselas de amigos. Bendito Dios que ya tienes lejos a ese tipo de personas. Bendiciones y siempre para adelante
Amén, claro que si.
Mis amigos hoy en día son unos excelentes amigos, soy muy afortunada.
There is a saying that says... Everything that needs to be healed must be removed and that is precisely what has happened, which makes me congratulate you on deciding to face those things that bother you, it is brave. Congratulations