Its really interesting to woke up everyday to a good cup of coffee ☕️. One we see as habit but not totally because it brings joy to us.
I love my tea 🍵 each morning because it energizes me to kick start the day. And has been like this for years.
You made me remembered the smell I get from watering my AROE VERA. That strong mud smell reminds us of our connections to nature and our Mother Earth 🌎. A lovely one 🥰 indeed.
However having a structured routine has helped many of us stayed organized for the longest time but with our children and the technology era, we try to stay flexible in decision making to have a good flow to life and all that it brings.
Enjoy your weekend 🥰💕
U right about the tea, i like it on the nights haha.
Thanks for reading habe a great weekend u too.