Money and fame? They are nothing but vanity. || Ladies Of Hive Community #63 [ESP - ENG]

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Hello Hivers❤️




Les deseo una excelente y productiva semana, hoy vengo a participar en el famoso concurso de la comunidad "Ladies of hive community" donde tenemos la libertad de expresar nuestras respuestas a preguntas muy interesantes. Quiero invitar a @gabrielazamora10 y a @krisbelfigarella, por si quieren participar. Sin más que decir, empecemos con este post.



I wish you an excellent and productive week, today I come to participate in the famous community contest "Ladies of hive community " where we have the freedom to express our answers to very interesting questions. I want to invite @gabrielazamora10 and @krisbelfigarella, in case they want to participate. Without more to say, let's start with this post.


¿Cuáles son tus objetivos que quieres alcanzar en 2022?

Copia de tha.png


Lo principal este año que viene es crecer en todas las áreas de mi vida y he aprendido que no hay nada mejor que el crecimiento espiritual, es uno de los principales en mi lista de metas porque esto me llevará a otro nivel en muchas áreas de mi vida como lo he estado experimentando hasta ahora, llevar una vida cristiana me ha ayudado mucho a encontrar mi verdadera vocación y pasión.

He tenido que crear mi propia ropa y la de mi familia, eso me ha ayudado a despertar un lado diseñador que tenía dentro de mí, ha sido una bendición porque retos que antes no asumía ahora los asumo y el resultado ha sido genial. Me sorprende como aún sin saber nada he podido crear muchas cosas y eso ha sido gracias al orden que tengo ahora en mi vida, ahora soy más organizada, planifico más mi trabajo y me centro en aprender.

Dirás que una cosa no tiene nada que ver con la otra, pues sí, estar en comunión con Dios, me ha llevado a alcanzar un nivel de madurez superior en el que mis emociones ya no controlan mi mente porque antes vivía muy deprimida, con unos bajones emocionales horribles, un día estaba bien y el otro mal, era muy incoherente en mis formas y perdía mi tiempo y mis capacidades en pensamientos negativos. Todo esto me mantenía en un estancamiento psicológico.

Hoy he podido ver en mí un fruto de lo que ha sido vivir una vida cristiana y es que ahora aunque todo a mi alrededor sea un caos puedo estar en completa paz, vivir en el amor con alegría, en la paciencia, siendo amable, humilde y teniendo autocontrol sobre mí mismo. Todo ha sido gracias a Dios.


Siempre hablo de emprender pero supongo que no se me había dado porque no había probado suerte sola y quizás emprendía cosas que ni siquiera eran para mí. Ahora estoy sola y segura de lo que me gusta hacer y bueno este año con el favor de Dios espero materializar este emprendimiento, ya que he visto mucho progreso en lo que hago.

Estos son dos simples objetivos para este nuevo año que se avecina pero de gran edificación para mí, siento que no debo engañarme como otros años, hablando de miles de objetivos cuando al final no sabemos lo que pasará mañana sino la voluntad del Padre.

What are your goals that you want to achieve in 2022?



The main thing this coming year is to grow in all areas of my life and I have learned that there is nothing better than spiritual growth, it is one of the main in my list of goals because this will take me to another level in many areas of my life as I have been experiencing so far, leading a Christian life has helped me a lot to find my true vocation and passion.

I have had to create my own clothes and those of my family, that has helped me to awaken a designer side that I had inside me, it has been a blessing because challenges that before I did not assume now I assume them and the result has been great. It surprises me how even without knowing anything I have been able to create many things and that has been thanks to the order I have now in my life, now I am more organized, I plan my work more and I focus on learning.

You will say that one thing has nothing to do with the other, well, it does, being in communion with God, has led me to reach a higher level of maturity in which my emotions no longer control my mind because before I lived very depressed, with horrible emotional lows, one day I was good and the other bad, I was very inconsistent in my ways and I wasted my time and my abilities in negative thoughts. All this kept me in a psychological stagnation.

Today I have been able to see in me a fruit of what has been living a Christian life and it is that now although everything around me is chaos I can be in complete peace, live in love with joy, in patience, being kind, humble and having self-control over myself. It has all been thanks to God.


I always talk about entrepreneurship but I guess it had not been given to me because I had not tried my luck alone and maybe I was undertaking things that were not even for me. Now I am alone and sure of what I like to do and well this year with God's favor I hope to materialize this venture, as I have seen a lot of progress in what I do.

These are two simple objectives for this new year that is approaching but of great edification for me, I feel that I should not deceive myself like other years, talking about thousands of objectives when in the end we do not know what will happen tomorrow but the will of the Father.


Cada día, muchas personas se obsesionan más con el dinero y la fama. Hay una pregunta que muchos han pensado - ¿Cambiarías 10 años de vida por la riqueza y la fama?

tha (1).png

No, todo eso es vanidad. Digo que es vanidad porque la riqueza y la fama solo dejan un vacío en las personas, para prueba de ello está la vida de muchos artistas que se han pasado la vida siendo admirados y teniendo mucho dinero pero de qué les sirve si al final terminan en adicciones, en rehabilitación, separados de su familia y casi nunca logran formar una familia o un hogar. Son pocos los famosos que lo hacen y sin embargo, esos pocos suelen preferir no llamar tanto la atención porque saben los problemas que trae la fama y bueno, en cuanto a las riquezas eso no satisface a nadie de hecho siempre quieren más y terminan perdiéndose en malas ocupaciones. Al final cada uno elige lo que quiere vivir y si de algo estoy seguro es que el movimiento de mucho dinero acaba corrompiendo a las personas por muy buenas que sean.

Estas han sido mis respuestas a estas interesantes y controvertidas preguntas, digo controvertidas porque imagino que habrá diferentes opiniones sobre el tema pero eso es lo bueno de todo esto.

Every day, many people are becoming more and more obsessed with money and fame. There is a question many have thought about - Would you trade 10 years of life for wealth and fame?

tha (1).png

No, all that is vanity. I say that it is vanity because wealth and fame only leave a void in people, for proof of this is the life of many artists who have spent their lives being admired and having a lot of money but what good does it do them if in the end they end up in addictions, in rehabilitation, separated from their family and almost never manage to form a family or a home. There are few celebrities who do it and yet, those few people often prefer not to attract so much attention because they know the problems that fame brings and well, as for the riches that does not satisfy anyone in fact always want more and end up getting lost in bad occupations. In the end, everyone chooses what they want to live and if there is one thing I am sure of is that the movement of a lot of money ends up corrupting people no matter how good they are.

These have been my answers to these interesting and controversial questions, I say controversial because I imagine that there will be different opinions on the subject but that's the good thing about all this.


Todas las fotografías me pertenecen.
Texto en inglés traducido en DeepL.
Ediciones realizadas en Canva.

All photographs belong to me.
Text in English translated in DeepL.
Editions made in Canva.


¡Gracias por leerme, hasta la proxima!

Thanks for reading, see you next time!



I wish you well in your designer adventure

And true that, fame and fortune does not necessarily equate to happiness or fulfilment :D

Thank you and yes they are more like admiration and a dream for many.

it is extremely necessary that we grow, I have figured out that it is important for us to take one day at a time, that will guide us towards making a beautiful meaning out of life. I wish you the best

Yes, thank you the same to you

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I think that's my problem too, I have too many ideals in my head yet so few come to fruition, I need to simplify my goals and take it a step at a time.

Thank you @thaliaf for participating 🎉

If it is better to take one step at a time, this way you meet the objective. Thank you for your support!

maybe I was undertaking things that were not even for me.

It's challenging to try something new that may not suit us but "If we don't try, we don't know". Wishing you all the best as you work toward these goals :)

Thanks for joining us this week. Much appreciated it and happy New Year ❤️

If so, thanks to those attempts I understood what I didn't want and what I want. Thank you for your wishes, I wish you a happy new year and success!

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