Those monsters under the bed - Contest 142

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

All of us, as children, were afraid of those dark, nocturnal beings that used to hide under our bed or in the closet and, taking advantage of our sleep, would come out of their hiding place to scare us, making us scream at the top of our lungs.

doodles-5960094_640 (1).jpg
Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Yes, under my bed lived a monster. It came out like a shadow and slithered along the wall. I watched it with terrified eyes, unable to utter a word. It moved from one side to the other, in a sinister dance, taking advantage of the movement of the window curtains, while the reflection of the moon filtered through.

When I could no longer stand it, I closed my eyes with all my strength, hoping that by some magical artifice the monster would disappear; but no, when I opened my eyes it was there, mocking me. Sticking his tongue out at me. Then I would run to my mother's bed sometimes and sometimes to my grandmother's bed.

I would take refuge on her back, a place where I found safety and comfort, for me, not for them, who had to endure the little stings of my bones on their backs, until I fell asleep. This was repeated systematically every night.

I always told them about the monster, but they told me it was just my imagination. The truth is that for me it was never imagination. For a long time, even in my teens and 20s, that fear was present. I would always check under the bed, hoping to find and at the same time find nothing. Finding to reaffirm that it wasn't imagination and not finding so I wouldn't be scared to death at that precise moment.


I overcame it the day I read a book that said that imaginary fears had to be faced. Tell them to come closer. I started to do it, at first I opened my eyes scared before they came close enough. Then I took courage not to open my eyes. Finally I noticed that they disappeared before they could touch me.

They got bored, they couldn't scare me anymore, so one day, they just didn't come back.

This post was written to participate in the Contest 142, proposed by @saffisara

Photos taken from the website //
As a translator I used the free version of //
The banner was taken from Ladies of Hive contest post #142.



Todos, de niños tuvimos miedo a esos seres nocturnos, oscuros que se dedicaban a esconderse bajo nuestra cama o en el closet y aprovechando nuestro sueño, salían de su escondite para asustarnos, haciéndonos sacar el más espantoso de los gritos.

doodles-5960094_640 (1).jpg
Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Si, debajo de mi cama vivió un monstruo. Salía como una sombra y se deslizaba por la pared. Yo lo veía con mis ojos aterrados, sin poder pronunciar una palabra. Se movia de un lado a otro, en una danza siniestra, aprovechando el movimiento de las cortinas de la ventana, mientras el reflejo de la luna se filtraba.

Cuando ya no podía más, cerraba mis ojos con todas mis fuerzas, esperando que por un artificio mágico el monstruo desapareciera; pero no, cuando abría mis ojos estaba ahí, burlón. Sacándome la lengua. Entonces corría a la cama de mi mamá unas veces y otras a la cama de mi abuela.

Me refugiaba en su espalda, lugar donde encontraba seguridad y comodidad, para mí no para ellas, quienes tenían que aguantar los pequeños aguijones de mis huesos en su espalda, hasta que yo me durmiera. Eso se repetía sistemáticamente todas las noches.


Siempre les contaba del monstruo, pero me decían que era solo mi imaginación. La verdad es que para mi nunca fue imaginación. Por mucho tiempo, inclusive en mi adolescencia y en mis 20s, ese miedo estuvo presente. Siempre revisaba bajo la cama, esperando encontrar y al mismo tiempo no encontrar nada. Encontrar para reafirmar que no era imaginación y no encontrar para no morir del susto en ese preciso momento.

Lo superé el día que leí un libro que decía que a los miedos imaginarios había que afrontarlos. Decirles ven acércate. Lo comencé a hacer, al principio abría mis ojos asustada antes que llegaran lo suficientemente cerca. Luego fui tomando coraje para no abrir los ojos. Finalmente noté que se desaparecían antes de poder tocarme.

Se aburrieron, ya no me podían asustar, así que un día, simplemente no regresaron.

Este post fue escrito para participar en el Concurso 142, propuesto por @saffisara

Fotos tomadas de la pagina //
Como traductor use la versión gratuita de //
El banner fue tomado del post del concurso N° 142 de Ladies of Hive.



You will only conquer your fear once you face it. I did fear checking what's under the bed due to those scary episodes I've seen in horror movies 😂. But only when I am in other people's houses, in a hotel, or boarding house. I feel safe at home.

Imaginary fear is something difficult to deal with that could affect our mental mind. I won't even dare to tell anyone about it as they might just call me crazy.

lol you are right, if we count those fears we could be called crazy. However, I've come to think that everyone at some point in their life has that latent imaginary fear. What happens is that few dare to say it, to avoid being called weird or crazy.

You are a brave woman facing your fear 😜 you kicked butt.
I think we all can relate and for me it was a boogie man who lived in my closet and he was breathing my name everytime I was about to sleep so I needed to sleep with a Light on for years before I finally faced him.
Well a mix of a basket ball and a jacket... Made a boogie man.

Thank you for sharing your experience and well done for facing it ❤️

Hi , a boggie man, sounds kind of creepy, especially what your name breathed. Good thing you stood up to him. You also kicked ass hahaha.