What I Am Most Grateful For - Ladies of Hive Contest #64

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I wrote about how gratitude helps us to connect to our spiritual self. Making us more aware, more mindful in our day to day life. We can chose to spend our days focusing on the negative or we can chose to focus on the positive things in life. Taking the time to really see what is around us and helping us to no longer take things for granted.


When we take the time to really explore our lives, we begin to understand that it is the simple things that mean the most. Simple and yet so fulfilling. Finding the strength to pull away from this materialistic life, that so many of us have grown up in,allows us to deepen our connection with the natural world and really identify what it is we need, in order to thrive.

With everything that is happening in the world right now, I know that the most important thing for me and my girls is to be in nature. To have the space and the freedom to explore our external environment and our own internal selves. I made certain choices during my life, which has enabled me to have the life that I now lead.

A life, that is focused on living in harmony with nature. Where I can focus on learning more and deepening my earth wisdom. This has affected all areas of my life and helped me to become more in tune to my own needs and the needs of my girls.


I knew that I didn’t want my children to be educated within the educational system, instead I wanted life itself to be there school. Finding a place where they could grow up, surrounded by a creative community. A community that would encourage their sense of adventure and self learning.

I have found that where I live now and I feel blessed, that my girls will grow up knowing the importance of growing their own food, building their own shelters and being capable of doing both, all the while, being true to themselves. As they continue to nurture their inner knowing, allowing them to guide themselves through life.

So many of us, spend our lives trying to return to that way of being. Feeling a sense of disconnect or separation, as we try and navigate our lives, without the ability to tap into our greatest power. Something that we are born with, but lose the more we integrate within modern society.


I am so grateful that I am able to gave my girls the space and freedom to choose how they wish to learn, how they wish to grow, so that they can thrive in life. This does not mean that there are no boundaries put in place, on the contrary, they need to be able to understand the importance of setting their own boundaries and they do this, by observing me, set mine.

As the world, that we once knew, drifts away. We need to make some decisions about how we wish to live, so that we can create a better world for our children. Everything we do now, is for them, for their future!

During some of my darkest times, it has been my girls that have reminded me, about what life is all about. Living mindfully and expressing my love and gratitude for all that I have in life!

This is my response to the LADIES Of Hive Contest, where they asked ....

What are you most grateful for right now!





As always a wonderful heartfelt post from you! Showing how strong you are. I´m happy to read that you have found the place where you can give to your girls what you always wanted to give them. Does this mean that your search for a new homeplace has succeeded? I really hope so! Wishing you all the best, and a very Happy New Year! X

Thank you Hetty, yes i have found a place for us to be for now, just a little stranded as I await a new part for the engine of my truck. I hope you are doing well, wishing you a wonderful 2022 xxxx

Lovely. I loved reading this. I am grateful for the smile you just put on my heart.

Ah thank you beautiful xxxx

After reading this post I'll truely want to personally know your name. I've been chances to read some of your posts and everytime it's really deep and connects with my spirit.

I wish my parents had the sort of understanding you have. They are uneducated and were exposed to harsh reality growing up. They just tried to survive and ensured we got educated one way or the other. I'm really grateful for this and I cannot change my fate.

I feel disconnected from society a lot of times. Sometimes I feel lost, we're all in a pursuit for material things so much that we forget how to be happy. The most simplest of things can really make you happy. Yesterday night, after service ended around 10pm, I walked with my guy who had complained about being hungry and having nothing to eat. I was in the same boat but I had some money with me, that's all I had. Then I just gave him the money without thinking twice, I saw how happy he was and it really made me happy too.

You've laid the best kind of foundation for your girls. They'll grow to appreciate nature and humanity as a whole. The love they'll feel and share would be unimaginable. Naturally and unbiased, they'll be deeply rooted and confident in their beliefs. It's the best kind of education, the best kind of Environment, disconnected from the evil greed that rules the world. I wish I could leave this path and follow another path, a more natural one, one that is free and open to life. But I'm scared

Thank you for this beautiful comment.
Never be afraid to be true to who you are, you will be amazed of all that will come your way when you follow your own path. Yes it can be scary at first, but do not let that fear dictate your life, allow yourself to be led by love xxx

hearts for this. i probably should join LOH Contest.

Yes please do xxxxx

Isn't it so that when we are more aware of the many things we can be grateful for that we are happier and content? If only I was richer, if only I was a good writer, if only...
What a wonderful article this is!

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved
Hellen Keller

Thank you so much @silversaver888 for always encouraging me and yes gratitude leads us on the path of happiness xxx

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Thanks so much xxx

It sounds wonderful and I wish that I had the same opportunity! My kids are all grown and moved out, and maybe once I quit work (somewhere in the future) I can better adapt the same way of life. I look forward to it. Thank you for sharing and keep on doing as you are doing!💜🤗

Thanks so much @elizabethbit for your lovely feedback and yes follow what makes you happy xxxx

I always loved and grew up surrounded by nature, because it made me feel the happiest.

I also tried to take out my kids and surround them with nature and gardening, which we always did, and I am still trying to teach them how to appreciate nature and how important nature is, even when they and all grown up now.

You are doing such a wonderful job teaching your girls the importance of life. I wish I knew what I know now 20 years ago so that I could have taught my kids how to be free and not to rely on this system of slavery and lies.

You know it is all about what you are doing now @joalvarez, no time for regrets, only moving forward into something better. Thank you for your wonderful feedback xxxxx

I read this and think Wow
For the longest time, I said I would never leave the city - I love it too much
But these days, not so much
I feel I'd be just as happy or maybe even happier away
I read your posts and I love your courage in making that decision and following through with it <33

Thank you for sharing your story

Thank you @kaerpediem for the wonderful encouragement, I hope you get to go wherever makes you the happiest xxxx