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RE: 2023 Life Recap and 2024 Goals

in Ladies of Hivelast year

I admire people who have well cut out plans for the year. It's day 2 here and I have none. Lol. I feel like I'm being left behind. Somebody help 😅.

You've been and are still going through a lot, but your goals have brightened things up. I hope it all works out for you more positively than you've imagined.

Cheers to the new year! 🍻

PS: cute cat 😻.


I hope it all works out for you more positively than you've imagined.

Thanks! 😊 I'm pretty much goal-oriented. It helps me have some sense of direction lol. I guess it must be my age that makes me more focused on the future.

But sometimes it's okay not to have a plan/goal and just go with the flow... :)

Happy New Year!