veganfamily cross-posted this post in Ladies of Hive 2 years ago

Spaghetti with tomato sauce

in #recipe • 2 years ago

I love pasta and would happily eat it every day, so I've experimented with a lot of sauces and combinations. Of all the ones I've tried, I keep coming back to this recipe for pasta with tomato sauce. It has few and cheap ingredients, but it comes out exceptionally aromatic and pleasant. I return, therefore, to it, as to a first great love. According to my taste, few dishes can induce such a feeling of well-being and relaxation, as this tomato sauce with southern flavors.

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With this recipe, there is no need to convince anyone of anything, because they are super simple and tasty and everyone wants them. Lucky me! 😉

The ingredients for this sauce are ridiculously few and available to anyone. Do not be afraid of a large amount of garlic, it being cooked delicately will develop a subtle and sweet aroma, in no case will it be very pregnant in the finished dish.


• 300 gr of pasta (spaghetti in my case)
• 3 large tomatoes (they will be spectacular, especially if they are prepared when the tomatoes are in full season, ripe, sweet and fragrant )
• 2 small onions
• 4-5 cloves of garlic
• 3-4 basil branches or basil leaves, I used both
• 40 ml. of extra virgin olive oil
• salt and pepper
• Parmesan cheese (the one I use is vegan, made from coconut oil and it is optional. Here is a suggestive picture)

  • Boil water in a large pot, when the water starts to boil, add the pasta, then salt, about 1 teaspoon.
    Stir the pasta with a spoon so that it does not stick and let it cook according to the instructions on the package.
    It would be good to put another pot of water on the boil at the same time, we will need it to scald the tomatoes. so more precisely we will put 2 pots of water to boil.


  • After removing the skin from the onion and garlic, chop them according to the desired size


  • Pour the olive oil into a cold pan. Before starting the fire, add the garlic cloves and onion to the cold oil (at room temperature). The fire is turned on and set to minimum. Sauté the chopped garlic and onion over low heat until they begin to release their aroma and become slightly golden. This will take 2-3 minutes.



Let's talk about tomatoes now:

  • On the opposite side of the stem, score the surface of the tomato skin with a "X" or a "+" using a knife. Meanwhile, make sure that the boiled water is enough to cover the tomatoes that you are about to peel (in my case, there wasn't enough water, so I had to turn them over). Carefully place the tomatoes in the pot of boiling water and leave them for a maximum of one minute. Remove them with a slotted spoon and immediately place them in a bowl of cold water (or ice water) for a few seconds, until they cool completely.



  • Now, the skin can be easily removed.
    You can use a knife or peel them by hand, and the skin will come off very easily. If a layer of the flesh comes off with the skin, it means that the tomato has been boiled for too long. No problem, next time try to remove the tomatoes from the boiling water quickly and cool them as soon as possible. Tomatoes peeled this way can be sliced and blended in a blender.


  • Tomatoes peeled in this way can be sliced ​​and mixed in a blender.



  • Put the blended tomatoes in a pan on low heat, together with olive oil, chopped onion and garlic


  • Add a few sprigs of basil with the stem and leave on low heat for another two minutes. During this time, drain the pasta.



  • Now it's the spaghetti's turn, pour it over the wonderful sauce, mix with a spoon, then leave it covered with the lid for another minute to combine the flavors



  • After the spaghetti has absorbed the liquid, borrowed the flavors from the sauce, it's time to cut some basil leaves and add them on top.



  • It's the Parmesan's turn. Grate the desired amount on top. (can also be replaced with nutritional yeast)


I wish you happy cooking and bon appetit!🙂