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RE: Shouldering Burdens: How Far is Too Far for Parents? LOH #148

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)

Since joning the 50K List Power Club you have not been following the rules of the club. I have stopped voting for your posts for failure to observe the rules of the Club, in particular, the rules on (1) powring-up your $List and (2) providing a clickable link to the original contest you are participating.

If you are facing technical difficulties in complying with the rules like not knowing how to power-up or provide a clickable link you may look up this link to learn how to do that.

If you continue to not observe the rules, I shall assume that you are not interested in continuing with the membership and will discontinue your membership.

Some members who joined at the same time as you have already chalked-up more than 1000 $List with regular postings and following the rules.

Posted using HiveLIST


I guess I would need to check that link to understand better.