Hello friends. Today I am writing here to comment with you on a topic that, although it is not common to hear it, it is really needed! As we mature, we enter into societies, communities that allow us to relate and grow as human beings by knowing, listening or evidencing our own and others' experiences, but... what happens when our emotional patterns are only focused on the EGO? What happens when we think and react only based on our necessities?
Toda relación, genera consecuencias, buenas o malas, pero consecuencias al fin, las sufrimos, superamos y seguimos adelante, sin embargo ¿pudo haber sido de otra forma? ¡Claro que sí!
Cuando hablamos de responsabilidad afectiva, no es más que ser conscientes y capaces de entender que nuestros deseos e interacciones afectan a otra persona, por lo tanto, mis acciones influyen en su sentir, opiniones y hasta deseos, entonces, si somos responsable de gran parte de ello, debemos tomar acciones para evitar que la otra persona quede de alguna manera dañada por pensar solo en satisfacer necesidades propias y de paso, quizás momentáneas.
- ¿Estas empezado una relación amorosa y realmente no quieres nada serio? Díselo.
- El amor se acabó – para mí el amor no acaba, se transforma, pero bueno, otro tema-. Díselo.
- ¿Estas dudando de querer formar familia con esa persona? DÍSELO.
Every relationship generates consequences, good or bad, but consequences at the end, we suffer them, we overcome them and move on, however, could it have been otherwise? Of course it could! When we talk about emotional responsibility, it is nothing more than being aware and able to understand that our desires and interactions affect another person, therefore, my actions influence their feelings, opinions and even desires, then, if we are responsible for much of it, we must take action to prevent the other person is somehow damaged by thinking only to meet their own needs and incidentally, perhaps momentary.
- Are you starting a love relationship and you don't really want anything serious? Tell him/her.
- Love is over - for me love doesn't end, it transforms, but that's another topic. Tell him/her.
- Are you having second thoughts about starting a family with that person? TELL HIM/HER.
Si pensamos en la otra persona como en nosotros mismos, queremos para él o ella lo mejor, mi responsabilidad me hará tomar decisiones que, si bien en el momento parezcan crueles, evitara consecuencias totalmente innecesarias y, al final del día, nos daremos cuenta que ¡ey! ¡Fue lo mejor!
Ojo. No solo para terminar relaciones.
Ocurre que, mi responsabilidad para con el otro ser no solo se basa en que si ya no quiero seguir en pareja, te lo digo. Está la otra cara de la moneda, veamos:
Sí, quiero seguir creciendo a tu lado, sí, me veo a futuro contigo, pero.. hay cosas que no me gustan, sin embargo, por no perderte, me las callo…
¿Es correcto? Jamás. La responsabilidad afectiva abarca todo en nuestra vida diaria en relación a la interacción con otros, al ser conscientes de ello buscamos hablar, comunicarnos –en este caso hablando de parejas- para poder responsablemente expresar:
¡Hey! Te quiero, pero necesito respeto a mi individualidad.
¡Sabes! Cierta situación me molesta mucho, quizás si lo hablamos, llegamos a un consenso.
¡Bravo! ¿Notan la diferencia? ¿Se identifican? ¿Se imaginan cuantas amarguras, suposiciones y en fin “dramas” nos evitaríamos? ¡Muchos!
Lógicamente la vida es muy compleja y ésto no lo resuelve todo, ¡pero sí ayuda!
Así que, ya saben chicas, menos indirectas, menos males entendidos, dramas y enseñemos, exijamos, pongamos en práctica más RESPONSABILIDAD AFECTIVA.
If we think of the other person as we think of ourselves, we want the best for him or her, my responsibility will make me make decisions that, although at the time they may seem cruel, will avoid totally unnecessary consequences and, at the end of the day, we will realize that hey, it was the best thing to do! Watch out. Not only to end relationships. It happens that my responsibility to the other being is not only based on the fact that if I no longer want to be in a relationship, I tell you. There is the other side of the coin, let's see:
Yes, I want to continue growing by your side, yes, I see myself in the future with you, but... there are things that I don't like, however, for not losing you, I keep them quiet....
Is that right? Never. Affective responsibility encompasses everything in our daily life in relation to the interaction with others, being aware of it we seek to talk, to communicate -in this case talking about couples- to be able to responsibly express:
Hey! I love you, but I need respect for my individuality.
You know! A certain situation bothers me a lot, maybe if we talk about it, we come to a consensus.
Bravo! Can you see the difference? Can you identify? Can you imagine how much bitterness, assumptions and "dramas" we would avoid? Lots of them!
Of course, life is very complex and this does not solve everything, but it does help!
So, you know girls, less hints, less misunderstandings, less dramas and let's teach, let's demand, let's put into practice more AFFECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY.
images: www.pixabay.com
translation: myself whit help of www.deepl.com
This is very helpful.
It helps put into words what we may feel,
but find it difficult to express!
Copy and paste, I say.
Ladies of Hive is here for you. This is where we can exchange ideas and be inspired by each other's stories. Perhaps we have the knowledge to share or maybe need to learn from others. No matter what it is… do it in Ladies of Hive.
You are not here for yourself alone.
We are here for each other.
Get to know other ladies in the community!
Engage others!
Support one another!
And let us have fun! Thanks for sharing @yajamor.
Esto es muy útil.
Ayuda a poner en palabras lo que podemos sentir,
¡pero te cuesta expresarlo!
Copiar y pegar, digo.
Ladies of Hive está aquí para ti. Aquí es donde podemos intercambiar ideas e inspirarnos con las historias de los demás. Quizás tengamos el conocimiento para compartir o quizás necesitemos aprender de otros. No importa lo que sea ... hazlo en Ladies of Hive.
No estás aquí solo para ti.
Estamos aquí el uno para el otro.
¡Conozca a otras mujeres de la comunidad!
¡Involucra a otros!
¡Apoyense unos a otros!
¡Y divirtámonos! Gracias por compartir @yajamor.