Contest #154/ Let's Talk About The Dream Of My Life (Eng-Esp)

Hello friends of the hive, welcome to my blog, I am once again joining the weekly contest at Hive, where I will be answering very personal questions like this week's.

If you were to die tomorrow, what do you wish you had done in life?

Waooo, this question makes me a bit sentimental, especially because talking about death is not easy for me, to say what I wish I had done, I could make a big list of the things I have done and the things I would still like to do.

I think everything is easier when we work on a life project and we are clear about what we want to do from an early age, having short-term goals, so I have planned my life.

I feel that I am on the right track, because I feel like a fulfilled woman, I do what makes me happy, I am a professional and I have an established family which is my greatest treasure, I studied what I liked and so little by little I have been reaping success and achieving my goals.

I enjoy my children while I can, I express my ideas and opinions through my letters and I have experienced at my age the stages of life that correspond to me and many others that have been ahead of me.

I think that if I were to die tomorrow and I hope not hahaha, I would like to have traveled more with my children, take them to see new places and live those experiences, I would have liked to have my own car, to have economic independence and to have moved to the house of my dreams.

And as it is not in my plans to die, but already as an old lady hahaha, I will work hard to go fulfilling each of my goals both family and professional.
About the second question:

What is the big dream of your life? If money was not a problem and you could do with your time what you wanted, what would you do with it? What would you create?

I have many dreams really, but they are always limited by the economic issue, but if I don't have it, something more than professional, something very personal is that I would like to have a foundation to shelter children who are abandoned by their parents since they are babies.


A place where they are given love and education and values, where they are formed under the respect, discipline and solidarity.

Children who have access to the knowledge and education necessary to be useful to their country and who have a positive impact on other people through their testimonies.


I have known of cases of women who abandon newborn children in subhuman conditions. If we had a foundation of this type, these mothers would be giving them another opportunity to have a better life, even if they cannot give it to them, rather than abandoning them to their fate.

There are many dysfunctional homes nowadays, and they are children that the same conditions in which they develop and grow up, end up being factors that lead them mostly to be future criminals.

By having a permissive lifestyle, with limitations for education and no productive use of free time, a foundation like this, would allow to give a prosperous and stable life to these children instead of dying lying in a garbage dump, as has happened or bring them into the world and then leave them to their fate and see them on the street without studies and begging for money to survive.


Children who have access to the knowledge and education necessary to be useful to their country and who have a positive impact on other people through their testimonies.

I have known of cases of women who abandon newborn children in subhuman conditions. If we had a foundation of this type, these mothers would be giving them another opportunity to have a better life, even if they cannot give it to them, rather than abandoning them to their fate.

There are many dysfunctional homes nowadays, and they are children that the same conditions in which they develop and grow up, end up being factors that lead them mostly to be future criminals.

By having a permissive lifestyle, with limitations for education and no productive use of free time, a foundation like this, would allow to give a prosperous and stable life to these children instead of dying lying in a garbage dump, as has happened or bring them into the world and then leave them to their fate and see them on the street without studies and begging for money to survive.

We must appeal to the conscience of these parents and give these children hope through my foundation. Well I don't have it, but I would like to. Thank you for letting me tell it.

I went too far, but I do feel and I am convinced that education and family are the basis of any civilization and that many times children can be better off in other places than even with their own family.

Thank you for reading me and see you next time.

Images extracted from pixabay to document my story, I used the translator DeepL to share with you the English version.


Hola amigas de la colmena, bienvenidos a mi blog, me sumo nuevamente al concurso semanal en Hive, donde responderé preguntas muy personales como las de esta semana.

Si fueras a morir mañana, ¿qué desearías haber hecho en vida?

Waooo, esta pregunta me pone algo sentimental, sobre todo porque el hablar de la muerte no es fácil para mí, el decir lo que desearía haber hecho, pudiera hacer una lista grande de las cosas que he hecho y de las que me gustaría aún hacer.

Creo que todo es más fácil cuando trabajamos en un proyecto de vida y estamos claros con lo que queremos hacer desde temprana edad, teniendo metas a corto plazo, así he planificado mi vida.

Siento que voy por buen camino, pues me siento una mujer realizada, hago lo que me hace feliz, soy profesional y tengo una familia establecida que es mi mayor tesoro, estudié lo que me gustaba y así poco a poco he ido cosechando éxitos y cumpliendo metas.

Disfruto de mis hijos mientras puedo, expreso mis ideas y opiniones a través de mis letras y he experimentado a mi edad las etapas de la vida que me corresponden y muchas otras que se me han adelantado.

Pienso que si me tocara morir mañana y espero que no jajaja, me gustaría haber viajado más con mis hijos, llevarlos a conocer nuevos lugares y vivir esas experiencias, me hubiese gustado tener un carro propio, tener independencia económica y haberme mudado para la casa de mis sueños.

Y como no está en mis planes morirme, sino ya de anciana jajaja, trabajaré arduamente para ir cumpliendo cada una de mis metas tanto familiares como profesionales.
Sobre la segunda pregunta:

¿Cuál es el gran sueño de tu vida? Si el dinero no fuera un problema y pudieras hacer con tu tiempo lo que quisieras, ¿qué harías con él? ¿Qué crearías?

Tengo muchos sueños realmente, pero siempre están limitados por el tema económico, pero de no tenerlo, algo más que profesional, algo muy personal es que me gustaría tener una fundación para albergar a niños que son abandonados por sus padres desde bebes.


Un lugar donde se les brinde amor y se les imparta educación y valores, donde sean formados bajo el respeto, la disciplina y la solidaridad.

Niños que tengan el acceso al conocimiento y a la educación necesaria para ser útiles a su país y quienes impacten de manera positiva a otras personas a través de sus testimonios.


He sabido de casos de mujeres que abandonan a niños recién nacidos en condiciones infrahumanas, de tener una fundación de este tipo, esas madres más que abandonarlos a su suerte, les estarían dando otra oportunidad de tener una mejor vida aún cuando ellas no puedan dárselas.

Hay muchos hogares disfuncionales actualmente, y son niños que las mismas condiciones en las que desenvuelven y crecen, terminan siendo factores que los lleva en su mayoría a ser futuros delincuentes.

Por tener un estilo de vida permisivo, con limitaciones para la educación y sin uso productivo del tiempo libre, una fundación como esta, permitiría darle una vida próspera y estable a esos niños en vez de morir tirados en un basurero, como ha ocurrido o de traerlos al mundo para luego dejarlos bajo su suerte y verlos en la calle sin estudios y pidiendo dinero para sobrevivir.


Debemos llamar a la conciencia de esos padres y brindarle a estos niños una esperanza a través de mi fundación. Bueno no la tengo, pero sí me gustaría. Gracias por dejarme contarlo.

Me extendí más de la cuenta, pero si siento y estoy convencida de que la educación y la familia son la base de cualquier civilización y que muchas veces los niños pueden estar mejor en otros lugares que incluso con su misma familia.

Gracias por leerme y será hasta la próxima.

Imágenes extraídas de pixabay para documentar mi historia, utilicé el traductor DeepL para compartirles la versión en inglés.


Setting up a children home is a very noble thought and I wish that you can do that in your life time. In our last days all we need is our family around us and spending time with them, so I do appreciate your idea of taking vacation with your children.

No doubt, education and family are foundations where a child's character is built. Your empathy and love for children is admirable.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening


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Éxitos en el concurso!! Muy buenas las respuestas!! Saludos.