in Ladies of Hive8 months ago


by firefly

Saludos Cargados de Bendiciones Infinitas de Amor, Salud , Sabiduría y Abundancia!

Aquí comparto mi participación : #194 Enlace

1️⃣ ¿Qué es un gran riesgo para ti en este momento y cuál es el menor riesgo que sientes a tu alrededor? Imagina que un gran riesgo sería perderlo todo (ya sean bienes físicos o la pérdida de un ser querido), lo que te colocaría en una situación de riesgo. El menor riesgo podría ser aprender algo nuevo que te ayude a seguir adelante en la vida: arte, fotografía, música, ¿qué te haría sentir cómodo haciendo?


Realmente , me siento muy preocupada por quedarme atrapada en la monotonía del sedentarismo. Recientemente perdí mi empleo actual, y me siento inerte y un poco desanimada.

Hoy me detengo , considerando como transcurre el tiempo sin emoción ni sentimiento de aventura que se me fue arrebatado. Es como si el brillo de mi luz se alejara dando lugar y más espacio para mi sombra. Siento miedo de que durante el reposo me arrope mi sombra!!

Me caracterizo por ser una mujer atleta , proactiva , enérgica, muy soñadora y sensible. Tengo sentimientos encontrados y una gran lucha interna que amenaza con desestabilizar mi paz , equilibrio y armonía.

Me estoy dando la oportunidad de ser un poco más expresiva , y dedicarme a escribir mi sentir, buscando el camino que me brinde la alegría y vitalidad. No quiero ser conformista y tampoco renunciar a mis sueños!!

Mi combate es contra el sedentarismo , para prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro, mi responsabilidad es mantener viva la llama de la juventud de mi corazón.

Hoy Tengo la clave para desafiar el sedentarismo , el tiempo no es mi enemigo, ni el envejecimiento , abrazo con gratitud y serenidad la oportunidad de descubrirme a mí misma , llenando mi corazón de pasión , amor y el fiel cumplimiento que mañana estará lleno de muchas posibilidades!

El Escribir me ayuda a desahogarme , y comprometerme conmigo misma que reinventarme Y empoderarme es clave para continuar disfrutando el Viaje!!

Me Divertí mucho, Es Todo!

Gracias por su apoyo y por visitar mi Blog!

by firefly

Greetings Loaded with Infinite Blessings of Love, Health, Wisdom and Abundance!

Here I share my participation : LINK

1️⃣ What is a big risk for you right now and what is the least risk you feel around you? Imagine that a big risk would be losing everything (either physical assets or the loss of a loved one), which would put you in a risky situation. The lesser risk might be learning something new that helps you move forward in life: art, photography, music, what would make you feel comfortable doing?


Actually, I feel very worried about getting stuck in the monotony of sedentary life. I recently lost my current job, and I feel inert and a bit discouraged.

Today I pause, considering how time passes without excitement or a sense of adventure that was taken away from me. It is as if the brightness of my light is receding, giving place and more space to my shadow. I am afraid that during my rest my shadow will tuck me in!

I am characterized by being an athletic woman, proactive, energetic, very dreamy and sensitive. I have mixed feelings and a great internal struggle that threatens to destabilize my peace, balance and harmony.

I am giving myself the opportunity to be a little more expressive, and dedicate myself to write my feelings, looking for the path that will bring me joy and vitality. I don't want to be a conformist and I don't want to give up my dreams!

My fight is against the sedentary lifestyle, to prevent premature aging, my responsibility is to keep alive the flame of youth in my heart.

Today I have the key to challenge the sedentary lifestyle, time is not my enemy, nor aging, I embrace with gratitude and serenity the opportunity to discover myself, filling my heart with passion, love and the faithful fulfillment that tomorrow will be full of many possibilities!

Writing helps me to let off steam, and commit to myself that reinventing and empowering myself is key to continuing to enjoy the Journey!

I had a lot of fun, that's all!

Thank you for your support and for visiting my Blog!


Sorry to hear about your job, keeping actively writing and challenging oneself to keep going is a healthy attitude. No sedentary lifestyle for you while still enjoying what you do keeping active.


Thank you very much! It is so not only we have to take care of the body but also our mind!!!

Mind is what drives us, keeping mentally active is priority, body and health issues normally follow, once aware of how it all works together.

It is so, we must be aware. Thank you for your nice comment!

Pleasure have a lovely day.

Likewise! Nice day!

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I am myself on a Medical Leave trying to recover from a neurological injury as well as a few other health issues. I don't know if I will ever recover but it won't put me feeling down. Writing always kept me mentally sharp. Keep it going @ykroys 💚

I am so sorry for what you are going through, God Fill your life with Health! Thank you for motivating me in my writing initiative.

Seguro vendrán muy buenas oportunidades en la cual estarás nuevamente activa, lo importante es que no te dejas vencer 💪😊

Hecho está! Muchas Gracias por tu buen Comentario!