I tried to make a comment on steemit...a rebuttal to a obvious ploy....to s7ck up whats left of "STEEMIT..INC"..And every time I tries to comment it took me to some..."PODCAST THAT I COULD PURCHASE...."That I assume is .."JUSTIN ...SUN INC..."...(ALL RITES...RESERVED..ASSOCIATED WITH THE JUST..IN....SUN PRODUCT.."Not decentralized...not one of us..."CHEXK OUT MY NEW CHANNEL.."SUPPRESSED SO FAR...."SIA PROJECT.COM"!!!!("ALL..RITES RESERVED)...SIA PROJECT "...."isss a limited liability blockxhain..decentralized and oppisit of..you""JUST-IN...SUN..LLC...all rites reserved...."CKB"..DEMONS!!!!😃😃😃🦉🦉🦉🦌🦆🦌🦉🦉😜😜😜😃😃😃