
Currently we have no official use of the data, we display current sentiment and posts analysis of each epoch for public viewing. How you use that info will be up to you! 😀

How to switch to the SanR network? It is not suggested in Metamask and when manually setting, a ton of extra data are asked that I am not aware of.

heyya! if you are having issues with switching and metamask is automatically prompting the switch (usually it does) try the following steps below:

  1. Click the 3 layered icon on the top left of your screen.
  2. Click the "Settings" button.
  3. Now, select the "Networks" option.
  4. click add a network
  5. click add a network manually, you can refer to the following info for the SanR network

Network name: SanR Network


Chain ID: 11888

currency symbol: SAN

block explorer url:

let me know if it works!

It worked, many thanks!
I joined the Leofinance club, changed also the username, but I am not seeing myself among the club members. How I can fix this? Any idea, @anomadsoul?

You are there @stayoutoftherz ...

Do note that we are called me when we look for ourselves!

LOL, indeed! Thanks.

hehe it took me a while to figure it out, Good luck with your trades.

looks like your question is answered, enjoy trading on SanR ser!

@kimochiman take a look at this pls