Sometimes it's a great idea to look back a bit. I wrote the content of the image in december 2020, exactly 4 years ago. At that time I had 5933 Hive Power. Today, I have close to 70'500 ! #hive
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Sometimes it's a great idea to look back a bit. I wrote the content of the image in december 2020, exactly 4 years ago. At that time I had 5933 Hive Power. Today, I have close to 70'500 ! #hive
This is a great way to encourage yourself and others at the same time.
I like to go back and look at how things evolved mainly to get some motivation boosts :-)
That's a nice move. Go back in time sometimes is a wise thing to be done.
You did great growing your HP. Keep it up 👍
Thanks, I've come a long way :-)
Congratulations @achim03 !
Thank you!
Thank you!