So I told u guys about the insane luck I had with this lugia while traveling, had bought 6 silver tempest packs to pull it. Yesterday went to the mall here at home and could only find 2 silver tempest packs (total of 6 packs) and I pull this.. can't believe it still lol.
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Bro, what, lol. That is fucking wild, pull rate on alts in Silver Tempest is like 1/684 on average. Pulling the Lugia twice in that few packs is legit fucking crazy.
Reddit not a fan of my luck lol, comments getting downvoted hard. xD
I think the odds that you pulled those in that few of packs is astronomical though, to be fair. So, I get some skepticism from people who don't know you and that you're not trying to farm karma/rage bait. GG's on the pulls man, make sure you get some toploaders for them!
haha well it's my first two posts in that sub after a year but ye I get it :D
doubt I'll be able to find any hard covers if that's what u meant, but will just leave in the binder hopefully it's safe for the next decade somewhat
I mean, if there are any kind of card shops in your area they should have some hard sleeves (Also known as toploaders). Otherwise, you could order some online? There's definitely got to be some shop that will ship to whatever country you're currently in.
The binder should be fine though as long as the cards are soft sleeved, as long as it's not a D-ring binder. If it is, scrap that and get a flat file type binder instead. (D-ring binders damage cards over time.)
What's a D-ring?
It's one of those binders that has the metal rings in the center when you open it up. Like one of these
That subreddit doesn't believe anything if it doesn't happen to them or if you weren't filming the entire thing from start to finish. They're literally sour as fuck if you get super lucky and because it's never happened to them, you're a lying scumbag.
just to give you an idea of how rare that card is compared to others in that set and I got it from 8 total packs... I literally don't even have any of the other ones on this list, lol.