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RE: Snaps Container // 1735400160

in Snaps2 months ago

Helen Hadsell's technique:
(SPEC) Select it, Project it, Expect it and Collect it.

Yellow Cherry field truck.png

This is me selecting and projecting my field vehicle.



Not bad but it needs some Mad Max features, a cowcatcher in the front and some randomly placed spikes.

A very good vehicle and with each of those details it allows it to be elegant.

Elegant, convincing and useful. Imagine showing up to a production set in this.

It would be wonderful, more or less how much is one like that?

You can get a Toyota Tacoma for about $20-$25k: and then pimp it to your liking.

It is quite high price

In business you've got to spend money to make money. If you roll up in a crappy car, people will assume you offer a crappy service.

That is the law of this life

Wow! With a car like this I could go anywhere.

Good job!

Such a wild machine, xD!

Clients would think so too.

Hell yeah!