Hi, it just appeared to me, my mom couldn't either and I don't know, it must be because they haven't made drawings in Holozing, I'm learning to draw, it must be why they gave me my Holo Dust, but ask @acidyo he should know
i think the reward will appear each day (clock reset same time each day or maybe 24 hrs
after previous claim) we are active on the front end. i guess to be active, and therefore for the bonus reward to appear, we need to claim reward on the reward page.
Wow, nice one! Congratulations!
How do you claim it?
I see a Z in the calendar, but clicking dies nothing
Hi, it just appeared to me, my mom couldn't either and I don't know, it must be because they haven't made drawings in Holozing, I'm learning to draw, it must be why they gave me my Holo Dust, but ask @acidyo he should know
i think the reward will appear each day (clock reset same time each day or maybe 24 hrs
after previous claim) we are active on the front end. i guess to be active, and therefore for the bonus reward to appear, we need to claim reward on the reward page.
@acidyo is this correct?
Dust. Dust. Dust. 😅