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RE: Snaps Container // 1730645280

in Snaps4 months ago

I mostly see @curamax share about his travel maybe you want to check it out!

I learned about him through snaps as well and yep, I had a constant conversation with him since then.


Anonymous02 has also been present here, and it's been great interacting with him and exchanging ideas about investments inside and outside the hive.

Haha thanks! I'm more curious about finance and investment so that's why

I also like these subjects, finance and investments are what I've been doing most since I met hive.

That's good for you, I'm not applying it to myself right now, I mean my learnings. But yeah, maybe after achieving 3k HP goal.

Ahhh yes, I get it, one step at a time is super important too. You'll soon reach this 3k and then you can start investing calmly, hive offers many options.

Yeah I've been really digging his recent stuff. Fun travels and a pretty good photographer too.

He's a nice guy 👍