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RE: Snaps Container // 1729231200

in Snaps5 months ago (edited)

Well, in a nutshell it's a teamplay, play to earn game to "save the world".

The root behind the game is the use of a particular community governance consensus system ( #thematrix8solution ) which can facilitate co-ordinated actions (of small teams or even of masses of players) which have been agreed upon by majority of the players after all the players having taken part in the decision making process. The efficiency of this system would demonstrate to the individual players that it's better to work in teams, and necessary to continue to advance to higher levels.

As to the form of the game, there would be a "reception area" for new entrants to the game, like a large space ship and choices would be available as to which area of the game to join. These are called Cause Groups, some examples could be:

Organic Farming
Save The Wales
Feed the World
and many more.

When a player chooses which Cause Group to enter, he exits the reception area through his chosen portal and is transported to his Cause Group ship where he can begin to play. The play would involve learning stuff about the cause so he can make informed choices as to what to do next to advance, and getting together with seven others in an 8PAC (8 Players in Active Communication) would enable advancement.

Tokens would be issued for completing various tasks (such as passing a knowledge test, advancing to a higher level, recruiting new players, etc.). The actions and achievements made in the game could be mirrored in the real world in some cases, funded by the tokenomics of the system.

Do you know the Exode game on Hive?
It could be similar to that in a way, with the teamplay consensus added and major Cause Group portals initially defined, but players can create new Cause Groups depending on what they want to achieve.

This game has the potential to to solve many local and worldwide issues which could lead to abundance, peace and well being for humanity & Mother Gaia.

The working title is The Mother Game. It's a huge project and a team is required to bring it into being.

i've possibly lost you at this point, as i'm not presenting the idea very well at all. Please ask questions if you're at all interested.

Peace & Love


I was thinking of starting with something smaller.. good to have an overall idea.. but baby steps is what gets you there..

Wow I am impressed. That is a very ambitious game! Sounds really interesting indeed.