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RE: Snaps Container // 1729864080

in Snaps5 months ago (edited)

We will NOT be funding the reward pool by interest earning from Staked HBD at the SPS.DAO.

  • Reward pool is well funded
  • The earning from HDB helps our stable coin position
  • SPS.DAO now pays salaries in stable coins, and none of our earnings are in stable coins

I think we definitely need to be replenishing our coffers whenever/wherever we can.
We definitely do need to be looking at the inflation buckets that are running out and coming up with a gameplan though. I think this is my next big project.

Just don't ask for stables to give away randomly, in that case you don't get paid :) My priority for keeping you paid is higher than giving away rewards randomly.

I'm more thinking about whether or not we should reapportion some tokens, like the inflation we cut from LPs and maybe land if Matt's plan stays the same. We have 11 months on staking rewards and about 2 years on ranked rewards. Definitely needs consideration.

yes LP savings can be redirected

I think many in the community (myself included) don't really know what the plan is for the reward pool, once the SPS whitepaper airdrop phase ends.
I think that's part of the reason that we see a lot of hand-wringing about it...

Big issue is we are eating through DAO funds like crazy just like the company was. The DAO needs to start earning interest and improving it's coffers not constantly shrinking them. At some point the DAO should be able to make enough on interest alone to fund everyone.

yes, agree.

DAO is earning a bit of interest from curation and HBD staking

It also doesn't just have to be HBD though it could be earning on USDC, USDT if it wants more of a protective roll. But also it should be earning some fees off of swaps. Nothing crazy but a small amount would go a long way and there's plenty of swapping that happens.

Who again is "WE"? Are you the DAO oder Splinterlands or simply remain the only destroyer of a working game and blockchain :-)?