
Lovely 100%!!!!

Greetings @jlinaresp ,

You are too kind.

What a lovely reply to the work...most encouraging. ^__^

Hope you are well.


When I saw it, based on the shape, I had already realized that they were pears, but I never see them in that color.

I'm going to research these other pear varieties.

Another beautiful work from you.

Greetings @coyotelation ,

Thank you for your kind complimentary reply.

We occasionally see them at the Green Grocer but not very often..a rare find.

Kind Regards to you and your family,


Thank you friend. I wish you and your family all the best.

I searched the internet and saw that in the United States it is common to have this variety of pear. Well, every day we learn something new. 😁

Such a nice red color. It's kinda "different".