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RE: Snaps Container // 1740669120

in Snaps2 days ago

I know, I can't find that info either, although I am certain it's visible somewhere.

If you view your LP positions on tribaldex or beeswap, you can see what tokens are paid for pooling


OMG I am an idiot. You are 100% right, it shows me right there on Tribaldex


Thank you so much lol


We all make thise mistakes sometimes 😂
It would be good if we could just see it in the transfer itself as well 😁

the LP rewards are a bit tricky to track so we don't show them on the websites history page

also.. why did 13 people downvote you? like why?

dunno really but I know their history so not surprised

that is what was throwing me off cause the LP is on the website but the rewards are not but I assumed they were. But yeah maybe if I didn't pull an all nighter last night then I wouldn't have been so dense today lol