
not like this

Bro lmfoa im B.B.B.D undercuver but its alwright, we will meet someday im sure of that

you have Blood–brain barrier disruption?

Ow here we go, you slept well? Never mind the vibes i feel you negativity miles away, happy Sunday. #hive #feelings #noway

I can see now that I've upvoted and tipped you 10 hive once:

but you haven't really posted in 2 years so excuse me for thinking you're being quite weird from the get-go.

aha 😎 doesnt it lol, i almost never post im busy building🤠 i forgave you already im no holder of grief

ok then try again another time differently

 3 months ago (edited) 

I just have no idea what you're talking about nor have I ever seen your username before that I remember, I googled what that abbreviation could mean and that was the result.

Says alot about you you big playa, maybe its me and im just moody, expected something more decent from an oldtimer like yourself. you couldve even give 1 cent and make a funny post but the fun seems gone.

We all on edge here. Maybe ill follow you back idk yet you stood on my big tow now.

the fact you're so focused on getting votes and instantly unfollow someone cause they're weirded out by your approach is already a big red flag, good riddance