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RE: Snaps Container // 1733417280

in Snaps2 months ago

I just couldn't help but make a snap about my Holodust claim today. It's by far my luckiest 🍀 (nearly perfect amount) #holozing



Almost perfect score indeed! Did anyone already receive 11 that you know? This may be the highest claim so far by anyone?

I haven’t seen anyone posted a score higher than this 😅

The perfect score can only be 10.999

You may hold the record at the end of the month.. :)

Would be awesome if anyone get 10.999 😁

What a pull today eh!

Yeah like everyone is getting a good amount of holodusts


Yeah, it seems it increases the dropping rate

Hello Curamax. Congratulations 🎉🎉. What was the value yesterday?

Do you know how the value of the daily claims varies?

I got 3.something dust only 😂 that’s why today I feel lucky 🍀

It’s random between 1-11 so it’s based on one’s luck

Oh, wow! The difference is much, now I know why you were so happy about today's claim. Hope it gets better.

Someone is winning today :)

Haha. It’s a good compensation from previous day’s not so lucky claim 😁

Whoa! So lucky 😀

Yeah after a few days of not so lucky ones 😁

That's a lot of dust.

I hope you continue to have luck.