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RE: Snaps Container // 1728401760

in Snaps5 months ago

Now Peakd need to add an ALL option here so we can all come thogether :)



Technically there are some limitations to that. Not saying it's not possible, just that it may take some time.

Take your time, I think it is worth it.
Also a search function is important or that you can filter snaps/threads/waves for tags.
Because honestly most of the content is crap. Or is the trending tab meant the only way to filter out the zerovalue snaps?

Add all of them together and make it the default content on the website. Make articles the secondary content. I would imagine snaps bringing more engagement. Although this would need content algorithms to work best. Soon hopefully.

It would be interesting, all mixed together 🤣

not too bad of an idea!

That would be very cool. To see the separate communities hang out in one place. #snap

The problem, as I see it, is that there is no immediate and intuitive mechanism to distinguish what the different foci of each type/mode of interaction is.

Why should I care if something is a snap versus a thread versus a wave? Are they meaningfully different? Are they mechanically different? None of that is documented in a clear and obvious place, which means that there's little impetus to use anything other than the top one on the list, which is probably not what's intended.